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  #1341 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2009, 02:37 PM
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Re: *21 Feb* UPD 15: SSK 1.5M *8* OS Kitchen inc WM6.5 Build 21159 and OS 21015 ROM -

Originally Posted by clubprerit View Post
still nothing...i tried hard reset and everything...touchflo will not launch...
Do you have TouchFLo Activated to use on the today screen/

Go to Settings/Today/Items and make sure the TouchFlo 3D box is checked.
Say OK, then soft reset.

If that doesn't work, it's possible that you had a bad download. I'd re-download the Core Kitchen, and also the OS that you want to you. I'd suggest that you try using either the 764 OS or the 931 OS to see if they work better for you. After you get one of those working correctly, then you can retry 21015. Also, make sure that you have the TouchFlo Items check in the BuildOS screen.

  #1342 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2009, 11:22 PM
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Re: *21 Feb* UPD 15: SSK 1.5M *8* OS Kitchen inc WM6.5 Build 21159 and OS 21015 ROM -

I flashed to the B2B Rom on my Verizon TP. First ROM I have tried and I really don't see any reason to switch. I upgraded to S2U2 1.52 and added the TouchPro theme to it.

Only problem I am having relates to VZ Navigator. I actually use the app all the time. I went to the SSK folder and ran the Verizon GPS Driver Cab... Navigator works sometimes, but GPS Requests take 2-3 retries now, and sometimes I have to exit the program and start over.

Does anyone have a suggestion??
  #1343 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2009, 11:51 PM
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Re: *21 Feb* UPD 15: SSK 1.5M *8* OS Kitchen inc WM6.5 Build 21159 and OS 21015 ROM -

Originally Posted by bretthays View Post
Only problem I am having relates to VZ Navigator. I actually use the ap all the time. I went to the SSK folder and ran the Verizon GPS Driver Cab... Navigator works sometimes, but GPS Requests take 2-3 retries now, and sometimes I have to exit the program and start over.

Does anyone have a suggestion??
First Question: Have you run QuickGPS and the HTC GPS Tool?
I also assume that you've done a soft reset since you've intsalled the drivers.
Under Phone/Settings, Make sure that LOCATION is turned ON.

I don't use VZ Nav, but i do use other nav packages, and i have no problem with the GPS Lock. If you've run the tools mentioned above, maybe it's a memory issue. Try turning of TF3D before you run VZ Nav. I do know that this is the 1st of the latest generation of ROMS where Scott has been able to get VZ Nav working. Maybe the drivers need some tweaking when he gets back from vacation. As a last resort (as far as I'm concerned) is to try loading a program called GPSToday....that is supposed to keep the lock on the Satellites. The link to the program is:

Did VZ Nav work OK before you installed the ROM?

Good luck

Last edited by oldman; 03-11-2009 at 03:06 AM.
  #1344 (permalink)  
Old 03-11-2009, 12:40 AM
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Smile Re: *21 Feb* UPD 15: SSK 1.5M *8* OS Kitchen inc WM6.5 Build 21159 and OS 21015 ROM -

Originally Posted by oldman View Post
From the S2U2 Thread:
Q. How to change wallpaper?
A. Create a jpg file with resolution the same as your device (QVGA is 240 x 320; VGA is 480 x 640); rename it to "wallpaper.jpg"; copy it to the gfx folder (default is \program files\s2u2\gfx\); restart iLock2. And the file "wallpaperL.jpg" is for the Landscape mode.

The llink to that thread is:


Hey! Thanks that worked fine, ummm, i'm also looking for the msnmessenger.cab and is there a voice dial cab?

other then those, love the thing!!! happy to recommend to everyone i run to

  #1345 (permalink)  
Old 03-11-2009, 12:41 AM
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Re: *21 Feb* UPD 15: SSK 1.5M *8* OS Kitchen inc WM6.5 Build 21159 and OS 21015 ROM -

is any one else having issues with zooming in on Google maps using the scroll wheel; i can zoom out just not in.
  #1346 (permalink)  
Old 03-11-2009, 01:08 AM
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Re: *21 Feb* UPD 15: SSK 1.5M *8* OS Kitchen inc WM6.5 Build 21159 and OS 21015 ROM -

Originally Posted by lgiorgio24 View Post
is any one else having issues with zooming in on Google maps using the scroll wheel; i can zoom out just not in.
What phone do you have? This thread is mainly TouchPro users, although there are others.

  #1347 (permalink)  
Old 03-11-2009, 01:11 AM
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Re: *21 Feb* UPD 15: SSK 1.5M *8* OS Kitchen inc WM6.5 Build 21159 and OS 21015 ROM -

Originally Posted by austie View Post
Hey! Thanks that worked fine, ummm, i'm also looking for the msnmessenger.cab and is there a voice dial cab?

other then those, love the thing!!! happy to recommend to everyone i run to

Right now, unless someone else responds, I'd suggest a google search for the messenger. As far as the voice dial cab, I think that you have to pay Verizon for that service...again, you could try google.

  #1348 (permalink)  
Old 03-11-2009, 09:04 AM
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Re: *21 Feb* UPD 15: SSK 1.5M *8* OS Kitchen inc WM6.5 Build 21159 and OS 21015 ROM -

Originally Posted by austie View Post
Hey! Thanks that worked fine, ummm, i'm also looking for the msnmessenger.cab and is there a voice dial cab?

other then those, love the thing!!! happy to recommend to everyone i run to


Did the ROM you loaded have Microsoft Live as well as Microsoft Voice Command?

I used Scott's kitchen and added both of those options in and Live has Messenger as one of it's add ons and Voice Command does the voice dialing thing for you.

Hope that helps and welcome to the best ROM EVER!

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  #1349 (permalink)  
Old 03-11-2009, 09:52 AM
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Re: *21 Feb* UPD 15: SSK 1.5M *8* OS Kitchen inc WM6.5 Build 21159 and OS 21015 ROM -

Originally Posted by oldman View Post
Do you have TouchFLo Activated to use on the today screen/

Go to Settings/Today/Items and make sure the TouchFlo 3D box is checked.
Say OK, then soft reset.

If that doesn't work, it's possible that you had a bad download. I'd re-download the Core Kitchen, and also the OS that you want to you. I'd suggest that you try using either the 764 OS or the 931 OS to see if they work better for you. After you get one of those working correctly, then you can retry 21015. Also, make sure that you have the TouchFlo Items check in the BuildOS screen.

yes, i did EVERYTHING twice. i'm cooking my own rom using scotts c2 rev kitchen, checking the proper settings. i can't think what would make it do that...
  #1350 (permalink)  
Old 03-11-2009, 11:12 AM
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Re: *21 Feb* UPD 15: SSK 1.5M *8* OS Kitchen inc WM6.5 Build 21159 and OS 21015 ROM -

Originally Posted by clubprerit View Post
i'm using ssk1.5 21015.
touch flo does not launch. it says tap here, but then it reverts back to the tap here message...please help!!!
This comes from missing manila file(s)... you probably built the ROM with no clock or something.

If you Cooked the rom make sure you are installing all the right components.

Last edited by jucytec; 03-11-2009 at 11:24 AM. Reason: cause i gotta
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