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-   -   +Feb 5+ *SSK 1.2 Stable* {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and ROM (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=54568)

aldojr80 02-07-2009 08:51 PM

Re: +Feb 5+ *SSK 1.2 Stable* {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and ROM
Tweaks do make a difference. Like it makes your phone crapout faster hmmm. Or what about the one that causes it too freeze and then hard reset cus it is irrelavent to our device. Oh Scott tell them that tweaks work. You know what why can't we make a Touch pro tweak app that works for us.

scrosler 02-07-2009 08:51 PM

Re: +Feb 5+ *SSK 1.2 Stable* {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and ROM
And here ya go:

This thread is now officially abandon by me!

I will NOT support ANY BETA version between 1.2 and 1.5. NONE! DOnt ask. Get rid of it now!




upparoom 02-07-2009 09:33 PM

Re: +Feb 5+ *SSK 1.2 Stable* {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and ROM
jesus. straight from the rom flash. installed google maps. no other changes, locked in less than 10 seconds


djsiva 02-07-2009 10:45 PM

Re: +Feb 5+ *SSK 1.2 Stable* {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and ROM

Originally Posted by upparoom (Post 697617)
jesus. straight from the rom flash. installed google maps. no other changes, locked in less than 10 seconds


Hard reset after flash

FormerPalmOS 02-08-2009 12:04 AM

Re: +Feb 5+ *SSK 1.2 Stable* {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and ROM

Originally Posted by oldman (Post 697410)
Brings up a good question - some of these "tweak" utilities change some of the different cache size among other things. Since you did "tweak" everything, should we ignore most of these different tweaks because you've already included them or are the changes you mad independent of the ones in the utilities.


The file system tweaks might speed up your SD card but will make no difference whatsoever to the main file system. The file system tweaks in particular are named things like file system cache, file filter cache, etc. The reason they do nothing is that the main flash file system is loaded at early boot - it has to be in order to read the rest of the registry. So by the time the registry with your tweaks gets loaded, the default cache sizes etc. have already been locked and loaded. This (and encryption) were the fundamental reasons I did the new XIPs.

exiletina 02-08-2009 01:21 PM

Re: +Feb 5+ *SSK 1.2 Stable* {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and ROM
Thank you! This is ubercool. However, I can't get the gps to work. Added Bored 2 after the flash. Turned on Location on in phone settings. Q7500, cold start, 4800, com 4, for some reason it doesn't lock. Anyone else having this problem?

exiletina 02-08-2009 02:29 PM

Re: +Feb 5+ *SSK 1.2 Stable* {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and ROM
Woooohoooooo!!!! I got it and it's unfrickin believable!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I showed you some love on paypal!

briandmiller 02-08-2009 02:49 PM

Re: ++25 Jan 09++ [VZW] SSK 1.2 - {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and ROM's!

Originally Posted by FormerPalmOS (Post 679099)
The keyboard shown above is the standard Microsoft WM6 SIP keyboard. The nicer looking compact QWERTY and full QWERTY come with the HTC Keyboard option in the kitchen. You also get stuck with the switcher app that sucks up 1.6MB of your memory doing nothing. It is possible to disable the app and default the keyboard to the HTC full QWERTY - you get the nicer keyboard and keep the memory, but you lose the switcher capability (and for some reason it jacks up the font - but I can live with it).

What weather app is this?


oldman 02-08-2009 04:29 PM

Re: +Feb 5+ *SSK 1.2 Stable* {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and ROM

Originally Posted by scrosler (Post 697549)
And here ya go:

This thread is now officially abandon by me!

I will NOT support ANY BETA version between 1.2 and 1.5. NONE! DOnt ask. Get rid of it now!




Please read

scrosler 02-09-2009 12:38 PM

Re: +Feb 5+ *SSK 1.2 Stable* {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and ROM

Originally Posted by FormerPalmOS (Post 697878)
The file system tweaks might speed up your SD card but will make no difference whatsoever to the main file system. The file system tweaks in particular are named things like file system cache, file filter cache, etc. The reason they do nothing is that the main flash file system is loaded at early boot - it has to be in order to read the rest of the registry. So by the time the registry with your tweaks gets loaded, the default cache sizes etc. have already been locked and loaded. This (and encryption) were the fundamental reasons I did the new XIPs.

Exactly! Thats why I feel those tweaks do nothing at all.

Thats the technical method why ;c)

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