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  #201 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2009, 02:16 AM
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Re: CDMA Touch Pro XIPs 20764 20954 21015 21018 21109

Sorry for the thread-jacking ):

I used xipkitchen to port the xip.

This is where I really go stupid:
What do I do with the xip.bin? I need a os.nb.payload to go with it(?).
Do I use the payload from the original ROM or from the ROM I'm trying to port?

At this point my OCD is kicking in and just making me have to do it o:
Phone: Touch Pro
Skinned Cat ROM: 20771 SYS w/ FPOS 3E XIP cooked in Calu's v1.3 Kitchen w/ Calcu 20954 & PPCKitchen OEMs
Skinned Cat Return: 21232 SYS + Modded eRice Ktichen + lots different bits = Joy (O.o)
Radio: Sprint 1.11.00F

Last edited by fr4nk1yn; 03-03-2009 at 03:47 AM.
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  #202 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2009, 09:19 AM
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Re: CDMA Touch Pro XIPs 20764 20954 21015 21018 21109

os.nb.payload is the actual raw flash data that gets written. It includes the partition information for the flash driver and the MSFLSH50 header for the file system. Basically you take a known good-for-your-device os.nb.payload and run one of several utilities that rip out the existing XIP portion of that file and replace it with your new XIP.bin.

If your XIP.bin file size is <= 2912 KB, you can use my smaller partition - the os.nb.payload in one of the XIPs I post here (os.nb.payload file size is 3200 KB). Otherwise, use a larger os.nb.payload (like what came with Scott's original SSK1.2) or a stick os.nb.payload (like what you get after dumping the stock ROM.

Did you change the default MS boot.rgu or leave it as-is? You could grab the boot.rgu from my XIP7E and that will speed things up as well but you have to do three things to use it.

First, you have to create boot.hv then replace the current boot.hv in the XIP FILES folder with this (then build xip.bin again). Second, you have to edit the boot.rgu.imageinfo.txt file to indicate the correct size of boot.rgu (should be 0x65D6). xipport.exe needs this to properly re-allocate the physical structure of the XIP when you click realloc P. boot.hv size won't change. Third, you need to put this XIP into the ROM\XIP folder in your kitchen when you cook. And lastly, if you used a stock XIP and didn't move anything around, make sure you use the stock .ROM and .VM folders, not my modified ones. THey are modified to take advantage of the null space compression I did on the XIP. They won't work (no boot) if you didn't compress your XIP into the same space.
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  #203 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2009, 03:01 PM
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Re: CDMA Touch Pro XIPs 20764 20954 21015 21018 21109

FormerPlamOS and all the gurus!!!
I have a problem running 21015 and 21018 on my Verizon TP. If I flash it with one of those versions my Bluetooth connection would die after some time. When it dies i can see that it is off, meaning that it crashed and I need to turn it on again and recycle power on my Jabra BT3030. If I flash 20764, everything works OK. I windiff-ed boot.rgu(s) from both versions and see many differences, but nothing directly related to BT. Do you guys have any idea what changes might cause this crashes?
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  #204 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2009, 04:10 PM
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Re: CDMA Touch Pro XIPs 20764 20954 21015 21018 21109

Originally Posted by Larik View Post
FormerPlamOS and all the gurus!!!
I have a problem running 21015 and 21018 on my Verizon TP. If I flash it with one of those versions my Bluetooth connection would die after some time. When it dies i can see that it is off, meaning that it crashed and I need to turn it on again and recycle power on my Jabra BT3030. If I flash 20764, everything works OK. I windiff-ed boot.rgu(s) from both versions and see many differences, but nothing directly related to BT. Do you guys have any idea what changes might cause this crashes?
Just to clarify - are you saying that a stock 21015 XIP works and my customized 21015 XIP does not work, and that a stock 21018 XIP works and my customized 21018 XIP does not work? Or are you saying that my 21015 XIP with 21018 SYS (or my 21018 XIP with 21015 SYS) doesn't work?

Nothing I changed in boot.rgu should affect bluetooth. If using my SYS that I posted in a kitchen, I default the BT HID, and (maybe) BT A2DP to off in the SYS - but I don't believe the Jabra needs either - it just needs a hands-free and/or headset profile.

Are you using advanced config or diamond config by any chance? If so, did you make changes to either the bitpool or power management settings? This can cause BT to disconnect after a hands-free call (but not crash).

Note also you can set a discoverable time-out after which time your device is no longer discoverable, but BT is still on. I assume this is NOT what you are talking about but just double-checking.
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  #205 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2009, 04:21 PM
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Re: CDMA Touch Pro XIPs 20764 20954 21015 21018 21109

Thanks for you reply!!!
I am using ROM and SYS i've downloaded from Scott's website. Also used your's 21018 XIP lasy week. Tried your's 21109 payload with 21018 SYS and ROM. Everything works great and it is fast, but my BT crashes after some time. I am not using Advanced Config.
I am setting my BT to:
SampleRate 48000
UseJointStereo 0
BitPool 58
My discoverable timeout is set to "Never"
It works without any problem in 20754(did not try 20931) but crashes after some time in both: 21015 and 21018.
I can listen to some readio stations in WM for 10-15 mins and then my Jabra will go silent. When I check BT it is off and i need to turn it on again and recycle headset power to reconnect.
I see from my windiffing RGU files that some drivers were taken out(like IRDA) Could this be the cause of my BT problems. It works OK with the stock Verizon ROM and now with 20764.
I am not complaining about your customized XIPs, i am just asking for you advice.
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  #206 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2009, 04:34 PM
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Re: CDMA Touch Pro XIPs 20764 20954 21015 21018 21109

Originally Posted by Larik View Post
Thanks for you reply!!!
I am using ROM and SYS i've downloaded from Scott's website. Also used your's 21018 XIP lasy week. Tried your's 21109 payload with 21018 SYS and ROM. Everything works great and it is fast, but my BT crashes after some time. I am not using Advanced Config.
I am setting my BT to:
SampleRate 48000
UseJointStereo 0
BitPool 58
My discoverable timeout is set to "Never"
It works without any problem in 20754(did not try 20931) but crashes after some time in both: 21015 and 21018.
I can listen to some readio stations in WM for 10-15 mins and then my Jabra will go silent. When I check BT it is off and i need to turn it on again and recycle headset power to reconnect.
I see from my windiffing RGU files that some drivers were taken out(like IRDA) Could this be the cause of my BT problems. It works OK with the stock Verizon ROM and now with 20764.
I am not complaining about your customized XIPs, i am just asking for you advice.
Well, FWIW, try to use the same XIP version as SYS version (i.e. use 21018 XIP with 21018 SYS). I don't like 21109 (either SYS or XIP) because I don't trust its origins.

Do you recall if when you cooked you had a kitchen option to enable or disable BT A2DP in the System section? I think I'm the only one making that an option in my SYS builds - but to listen to radio I believe you need the A2DP profile. It may not work if you don't have that (if your kitchen didn't give you the option to select it or not then if it is in the SYS it is included by default - the folder is SYS\BTh_A2DP and SYS\BTh_A2DP_Lang_0409. Be sure both folders are there.

IrDA driver was removed because we don't have IrDA HW in the CDMA Touch Pros.

Lastly, is your phone connected to a power supply when this happens? If not, does doing so change the behavior? Could also be a power time-out / suspend setting or something.

Note - I don't have any way to reproduce this.
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  #207 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2009, 04:44 PM
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Re: CDMA Touch Pro XIPs 20764 20954 21015 21018 21109

Thanks again!!!
I have tried 21015 with 21015 XIP and 21018 with 21018 XIP. Just onece i have tried 21109 with 21018 SYS files.
But nothing helps. What works is the stock ROM and 20754. All of these ROMs i've cooked with Scott's kitchen C2 and in all of them i had A2DP folders: otherwise i would not be able to listen to my music on my Jabra BT3030. I have used all these builds with identical settings just have a clean test environment. Anyway, thanks for you help!!!
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  #208 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2009, 04:51 PM
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Re: CDMA Touch Pro XIPs 20764 20954 21015 21018 21109

Try reading here and see if you get any ideas: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa916185.aspx
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  #209 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2009, 04:57 PM
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Re: CDMA Touch Pro XIPs 20764 20954 21015 21018 21109

ALso, check that you have the following file: \windows\atcmdint.dll - make sure you turn OFF visibility of files in ROM. This file comes with the system, but one of the carrier provisioning XMLs installs a device-specific version. This dll handles AT commands from the BT device. If it's not there, try this: look in \Windows (with show rom files enabled) and look for a file called atcmdint_.dll. If you find it copy it to \windows\atcmdint.dll, soft reset and see if things are working. This file is normally part of the OEM operator package and is installed by a provxml called mxipupdate_zzATCmdInt_.provxml.
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  #210 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2009, 06:10 PM
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Lightbulb Re: CDMA Touch Pro XIPs 20764 20954 21015 21018 21109

Originally Posted by FormerPalmOS View Post
Well, FWIW, try to use the same XIP version as SYS version (i.e. use 21018 XIP with 21018 SYS). I don't like 21109 (either SYS or XIP) because I don't trust its origins.

Do you recall if when you cooked you had a kitchen option to enable or disable BT A2DP in the System section? I think I'm the only one making that an option in my SYS builds - but to listen to radio I believe you need the A2DP profile. It may not work if you don't have that (if your kitchen didn't give you the option to select it or not then if it is in the SYS it is included by default - the folder is SYS\BTh_A2DP and SYS\BTh_A2DP_Lang_0409. Be sure both folders are there.

IrDA driver was removed because we don't have IrDA HW in the CDMA Touch Pros.

Lastly, is your phone connected to a power supply when this happens? If not, does doing so change the behavior? Could also be a power time-out / suspend setting or something.

Note - I don't have any way to reproduce this.
Originally Posted by Larik View Post
Thanks again!!!
I have tried 21015 with 21015 XIP and 21018 with 21018 XIP. Just onece i have tried 21109 with 21018 SYS files.
But nothing helps. What works is the stock ROM and 20754. All of these ROMs i've cooked with Scott's kitchen C2 and in all of them i had A2DP folders: otherwise i would not be able to listen to my music on my Jabra BT3030. I have used all these builds with identical settings just have a clean test environment. Anyway, thanks for you help!!!
Hi Larik,

I've been using 21018 w/Scott's 15C2 kitchen since Friday and have had no issues w/BT: before that I used 21015.21018XIP for a few days, also no BT issues. I use Motorola H12 and T505.

Your welcome to try the package I uploaded to my site for testing purposes as posted in Scott's thread. I used Former's XIP package and a 21018 build I researched from XDA-- JucyTec also used this build-- my post, 920 I think, has instructions on how to use it with Scott's kitchen.

Hope this helps, as I know Former's work is rock solid.


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Last edited by DigitalAttic; 03-03-2009 at 06:15 PM.
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