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  #18051 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2009, 03:25 PM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com [Windows Mobile 6.5]

Originally Posted by mightymike View Post
thank u sir... my half hangover is wearing off... tried not to get too piss drunk hehhe... thanks dud appreciaye ot. cheers vro
Half hangover? sounds like you didnt party right... Its your birthday man you have to go all out..... happy birthday man.....
Treo 600 >> Treo 650 >> Touch >> Mogul >> Touch Pro ( almost perfect) and a Diamond for the lil bro....
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  #18052 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2009, 04:29 PM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com [Windows Mobile 6.5]

Originally Posted by pyro254750 View Post
i have used the S9 and S9-HD headsets with MR4 and MR6 with no issues whatsoever. im using a sprint TP.
Originally Posted by oldpueblo View Post
I have those headphones and they work great, however I did notice one time that when I walked out of the room out of range of my phone on the desk and came back, when the connection re-established it only like re-established the phone link not the a2dp link. The phone worked in the headphones but not the media player and that icon on the top that's usually there wasn't there. So I turned the headphones off and back on again and that fixed it. Maybe a2dp is more finicky, I don't know.
Thanks guys, I guess maybe the headphones are going bad. I just found a friend that also has a pair of S9's, he's gonna let me test with them to see if they work with it or not. I'll let you all know what happens.
  #18053 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2009, 04:29 PM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com [Windows Mobile 6.5]

Oh, and happy birthday Mike!
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  #18054 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2009, 04:36 PM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com [Windows Mobile 6.5]

I used to have MR5 and now MR6 on my Sprint Touch Pro. It sometimes (seems to be happening every couple weeks) will quit loading TF3D at all. Resetting doesn't fix it. Turning TF3D off and back on in the Today screen settings doesn't fix it. The only way I've found to fix it is reinstalling MR, which is a pain since I lose all my other apps too.

Any ideas what's going on?
  #18055 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2009, 06:46 PM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com [Windows Mobile 6.5]

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKEY BOY so hows the new rom comin?
{$}i'M a HoOD$taR BaBy!!!{$}
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  #18056 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2009, 07:20 PM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com [Windows Mobile 6.5]

Happy B-Day Mike
Please remember to click if someone helps you!

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  #18057 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2009, 10:18 PM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com [Windows Mobile 6.5]

Is anyone else experiencing extreme slowness and lag while using the titanium interface with this rom? I'd say about 10% of the time, the UI is quick and runs beautifully. The rest of the time it drags to the point of being almost unusable.

For example, while typing out a text message, I can type out maybe 10-12 characters before they start to show up. Scrolling on the today screen is like playing a video game at one frame per second, and switching from landscape to portrait takes a good 20 seconds on average, and sometimes doesn't fully return to portrait mode without a reboot.

Is that normal for this rom?
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  #18058 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2009, 10:45 PM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com [Windows Mobile 6.5]

Originally Posted by fuuup View Post
Is anyone else experiencing extreme slowness and lag while using the titanium interface with this rom? I'd say about 10% of the time, the UI is quick and runs beautifully. The rest of the time it drags to the point of being almost unusable.

For example, while typing out a text message, I can type out maybe 10-12 characters before they start to show up. Scrolling on the today screen is like playing a video game at one frame per second, and switching from landscape to portrait takes a good 20 seconds on average, and sometimes doesn't fully return to portrait mode without a reboot.

Is that normal for this rom?
I dont know if its normal but I am experiencing the same thing.... I have had this rom running since it came out and I guess with time it started acting up like this.... I have not changed or added anything other than what was added when I first flashed it. It is getting really fustrating and I dontknow if I should just reflash it and see what happens...
  #18059 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2009, 11:00 PM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com [Windows Mobile 6.5]

Originally Posted by har226 View Post
I dont know if its normal but I am experiencing the same thing.... I have had this rom running since it came out and I guess with time it started acting up like this.... I have not changed or added anything other than what was added when I first flashed it. It is getting really fustrating and I dontknow if I should just reflash it and see what happens...
I just tried the sms lag fix listed in the faq and it made absolutely no difference. I installed the cab, rebooted, and everything was fine. As soon as I open sms to compose a message, the UI slows down to a crawl and does not recover.

There are also some tips that I read for installation that are supposed to get rid of some issues. Basically you just need to do a "Clear Storage" (hard reset) directly after installing the rom.

Here is the a link to the sms lag fix cab: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment...4&d=1248098755

I don't have the time to reflash and try it right now, but see if that makes a difference for you and let me know how it goes.
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  #18060 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2009, 11:03 PM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com [Windows Mobile 6.5]

Originally Posted by fuuup View Post
I just tried the sms lag fix listed in the faq and it made absolutely no difference. I installed the cab, rebooted, and everything was fine. As soon as I open sms to compose a message, the UI slows down to a crawl and does not recover.

There are also some tips that I read for installation that are supposed to get rid of some issues. Basically you just need to do a "Clear Storage" (hard reset) directly after installing the rom.

Here is the a link to the sms lag fix cab: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment...4&d=1248098755

I don't have the time to reflash and try it right now, but see if that makes a difference for you and let me know how it goes.
a true sms lag fix is to find a ROM that didnt have the sms character count cooked in. attempting to overrite has been proven to be futile.

Real Talk......!!! There's only patch work being done here now. This is a great Rom and great work WAS put in, however there are a lot of other ROMs out there that are actively being updated with fixes!! Find One, let it go

Looking at this from post #1, Windows® 23001 (Build 23001.5.0.60), I would imagine most of the patch work here now, has been addressed in later versions of the OS or updates to the files that make up the ROM. Man, on the real, i had noone elses ROMs on my machine, but I had to let it go myself.

Last edited by quadjacks; 08-22-2009 at 11:22 PM.
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