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  #14331 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2009, 08:30 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 06.09.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21731 ] MightyROM5

I am pretty sure the answer to this is no but I wanted to verify it. With the latest R5 traditional rom, is there any need to install the ati d3d driver that is floating around?
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  #14332 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2009, 08:58 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 06.09.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21731 ] MightyROM5

Hey awesome rom mighty i just have one question. Is there anyway to break down the start menu into folders like on the longhorn rom or the energy rom? Thats the only thing that would be awesome on this rom because the way it is now is just cluttered so i was wondering if it would be possible to to do that. Thanks!
  #14333 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2009, 09:57 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 06.09.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21731 ] MightyROM5

Hey guys

There's a poll going on in the diamond thread


Show me some love

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  #14334 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2009, 10:05 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 06.09.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21731 ] MightyROM5

Originally Posted by bdurst08 View Post
this is for anyone who is using the speed booster cab...i was just wondering what the best settings are? should the slide bar be all the way to the right in the red or to the left in the green? and should the monitor button be red or green as well?

for give me if its already been asked but i am at work and dont have alot of time to search the forum.

I moved the slider all the way right for tmail.exe, and keyboard lag is gone (FYI moving it to one notch short of far right doesn't work nearly as well) Also you want the eye to be open without the red X on it.

Speaking of Speedbooster, after installing it (and also FingerKeyboard2 which is an awesome soft kb by the way) I've frozen up about 3 times after leaving text messaging. Anyone else get this?

Did I help? The is down to the right

  #14335 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2009, 10:07 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 06.09.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21731 ] MightyROM5

ey yo mike u got my vote fam
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  #14336 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2009, 10:22 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 06.09.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21731 ] MightyROM5

Is there a way to get rid of the "Notification" screen that pops up after every phone call? It is annoying every time you go in to check voicemail you have to "X" out of the notification screen, then you have to hit dial pad to press a number for each message you listen to.

Thanks for any help
  #14337 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2009, 10:32 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 06.09.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21731 ] MightyROM5

!! TF3D2 ... It just Needs Mighty'ed ... !! You Got Mine Though Because yours was my First!!
  #14338 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2009, 10:32 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 06.09.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21731 ] MightyROM5

Originally Posted by scottgr71 View Post
Is there a way to get rid of the "Notification" screen that pops up after every phone call? It is annoying every time you go in to check voicemail you have to "X" out of the notification screen, then you have to hit dial pad to press a number for each message you listen to.

Thanks for any help
Your screen is on during calls, yes? Your face must be hitting the notifications bar at the top, there are programs that blank the screen during calls, but I just use the power button on top
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  #14339 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2009, 10:41 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 06.09.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21731 ] MightyROM5

Originally Posted by scottgr71 View Post
Is there a way to get rid of the "Notification" screen that pops up after every phone call? It is annoying every time you go in to check voicemail you have to "X" out of the notification screen, then you have to hit dial pad to press a number for each message you listen to.

Thanks for any help
What the notification say?
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  #14340 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2009, 10:52 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 06.09.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21731 ] MightyROM5

The notification says either you have new notifications, or you don't have any new notifications.
I do think the screen is on during calls, so maybe I'm hitting the screen. What is the best program to use to kill the screen during phone calls? I seen on the LG dare, the screen shuts off when you put it to your ear.

Thanks for your help
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