This is 100% correct. This is the method I use to flash on the go
Internal Storage is there, but it is a folder I just deleted! The Storage card is working properly and is named the right way also.
I want to just get out here and say that this is the fastest ROM I have ever used. I spent all night, actually all morning.. lol, trying to hurt this thing. I was installing apps and as it was installing I was configuring or opening up other applications to see if this phone would freeze, and NOTHING caused this this to skip a beat, so I can actually multi task

. I went ahead and used the PP changer and made mine into a 32mb PP, and this phone feels like it is on speed because I normally click on something and have to wait, but this thing is just launching everything.... I'm amazed. One very, very small thing need to be fixed and it is a stupid minor fix. In Setting>Sounds & Notifications> Notification tab if you click on event and try to choose the event to customize, scroll to the very last option and you will see under wireless 5 squares. I have no idea what that is. It is missing the RSS Hub menu, so it might be that, unless there's something else Juicy you want to include there. Lastly, there seems to be a glitch with both 4.4 TDiamond and 4.5 TP and it is the battery charging. If you talk on the phone while having it plugged in both phones will die. My gf and I were talking yesterday and her phone died and I looked and saw that my phone was about to die. If I unplug the power cord and plug it back it, it WILL NOT charge. After a while, about 3 minutes, the LED indicator started showing that it started to charge. I then started browsing the web with the charger on the phone. After 5 minutes of browsing the phone stopped charging again at 30% battery, so I cooled my phone down, as it gets hot while sending data and the phone started to charge, so IDK what it is, but this needs to be looked at. If I'm doing any data transmission the phone will stop charging. Is anyone else having this issue? I can re-create this with my Diamond and TP. Other then that, I love this ROM, I love this ROM, I love this ROM, and I love this ROM. It is exactly what I had expected! Good work Juicy!