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-   -   [FINAL] OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11* (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=142980)

kenlewisesq 07-08-2011 11:08 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*
Rosie Settings Kanged? Every time I try to use the Rosie Settings app I get redirected to an Urban Dictionary page. What gives?

lbcary 07-08-2011 02:36 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*
It should switch from 3G to 1X when sending or recieving sms msgs,but it should only switch to 1x while sending & recieving sms msgs for 1-3 seconds per msg at most,then switch back to 3G after sending or recieving the msg.If your Evo is not switching back to 3G then that is a problem.Try a full wipe,if that doesnt work maybe ur rom download has a bug/glitch. My Evo,runnin MikG 2.15 Sense 2.1/3.0 with a few tweaks of my own, swithes from 3G to 1x for a second or two while sending/recieving sms,text,msgs,but it always switches back to 3G immediately. I think that my evo got stuck on 1x,dont know why,only one time in the past 4-6months. I just restarted my Evo & it went back to normal. Wish i had more info for u,but ive never had the problem,so i dont even know where to begin really.Usally,if the rom is good,a complete dalvik,data,cache wipe will solve most issues.Good luck.

av8or 07-09-2011 10:20 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*
ok, maybe i'm brain farting, how do i adjust the volume on various notifications, like to turn my ringer down lower sometimes but all the notifications are all still full blast, the main controls only affect the actual phone ringer volume level...

dcharleyultra 07-09-2011 10:48 AM

I'm guessing you are looking for the Media volume. If so, you can access it in the Quick Settings pull down.

Swyped from my Evo 4G using Tapatalk

av8or 07-09-2011 11:35 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*

Originally Posted by dcharleyultra (Post 2126017)
I'm guessing you are looking for the Media volume. If so, you can access it in the Quick Settings pull down.

Swyped from my Evo 4G using Tapatalk

its not in mine...

dcharleyultra 07-09-2011 01:11 PM

Ok, sorry about that.

(I'm on MikG 2.2)

Swyped from my Evo 4G using Tapatalk

Vancer 07-09-2011 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by av8or (Post 2126012)
ok, maybe i'm brain farting, how do i adjust the volume on various notifications, like to turn my ringer down lower sometimes but all the notifications are all still full blast, the main controls only affect the actual phone ringer volume level...

Menu/settings/sound/volume ... Uncheck the box and u can adjust them all separately

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

ecartmen 07-09-2011 08:31 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*
ok i have an issue with any gingerbrad and fryo now...
i will use netflix official or moddified and sometimes get no connection
i will use google search widget and the data not their at times it pulls up a listing of results and on some it errors out when clicking on the search result. If i turn wi-fi on then that same link will now work.
i even reset the http proxy to 0 and
any ideas?

even did a ##786#
and did ##data# and reset data profile....

av8or 07-09-2011 09:55 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*

Originally Posted by Vancer (Post 2126129)
Menu/settings/sound/volume ... Uncheck the box and u can adjust them all separately

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

thanks man, i actually want them to all change together when i adjust the main volume, so made them all the same then checked the box to tie them

racer1000r 07-10-2011 01:04 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*

Originally Posted by Xartic (Post 2124896)
Has anyone else had the problem when using the navigation after 15 ~ 20 minutes the phone automatically reboots and after the white screen that says Evo 4G it goes black and all you get are 5 quick vibrates?

That has happened to me after using the navigation and recently while watching a movie on netflix. The only way I can get to to boot up again is either waiting 3-5 minutes with the battery off or booting into recovery and clearing the cache and dalvik cache.

If anyone can help me with this issue I would greatly appreciate it. Other than that the ROM is AWESOME! Thanks OMJ :)

Yes, I know exactly what is wrong. I had this exact issue with mine. Your phone is overheating and the phone is shutting itself off in order to protect the electronics. It's not supposed to trigger the shutoff at lower temps, but for some reason mine started doing it after about 8 months. It took me about 2 months of testing and a lot of headaches to finally figure it out. If you want to confirm it, try just using your phone a lot while cradling it in your hand (to manually raise the temperature of the phone)... or you could just leave it in the sun while you use it and that should trigger it as well. You can also confirm it by keeping the phone cool (for example putting it on an ice pack while you watch a netflix movie). You should see that it won't reboot (that's because it's not overheating).

The only fix is to try to replace it. I tried 4 different batteries with no success. I replaced the phone and it worked perfectly with this rom.

Hope that helps.

CYNICALifornia 07-11-2011 04:11 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*

You put out an amazing slick ROM that I have come to love (I've been an OMJ user now since before froyo) and depend on to sustain my mobile lifestyle. It is a ROM that I have shown to friends, who then had me root and install on their phones because of it's quality. A ROM that made me happy.

Then my charge port broke off inside my phone two weeks ago. When my brand new phone arrived it already had the hboot upgraded to 2.16, and now I am stuck in stock ROM hell. For the record, your ROM is much more stable than stock.

So, now, as my friends frolic in the sunshine of your ROM, I wallow in the cesspool of bloatware unable to return to that happy ROM I once knew.

So damn you for your amazing ROM and diligence in updating, for your sense 3.0 perks, and custom bases (even if you didn't make them yourself).

I would say damn me, but I have already been dammed to stock ROM hell.

Woe is me.
(Hope to be able to root soon and return to greener pastures)

bartendersimon 07-12-2011 03:17 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*
Does anyone have this issue? I just installed this ROM a week ago but now from out the blue, the SDcard is not recognized and most of my app went gone. I took the card out and try to read it in my PC and all the files are fine and i have no issue reading them. I really dont want to wipe everything again to fix this. any clue?

Thanks in advance.

dottat 07-12-2011 10:04 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*

Originally Posted by bartendersimon (Post 2127157)
Does anyone have this issue? I just installed this ROM a week ago but now from out the blue, the SDcard is not recognized and most of my app went gone. I took the card out and try to read it in my PC and all the files are fine and i have no issue reading them. I really dont want to wipe everything again to fix this. any clue?

Thanks in advance.

Do you have your card partitioned with an ext partition ? If so, have you tried using recovery to repair ext ?

wrubiera 07-12-2011 10:48 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*
I would like your help if is possible. My wife phone was rooted before but we took the phone for repair and the store updated the phone to 4.24.651.1. I would like to root her phone again. Can anyone help me.

Thank you

blood 07-13-2011 07:44 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*
If it took the gb update you cannot root until a new hole is found or htc opens it.

bartendersimon 07-13-2011 11:36 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*

Originally Posted by dottat (Post 2127310)
Do you have your card partitioned with an ext partition ? If so, have you tried using recovery to repair ext ?

This thing is crazy, after trying with different SDcards and don't know what else. i decided to pull the battery out for like a minute and after that the damn phone was able to read the card. so at this point i don't know what happens, but thanks for the advise.

Pitchblack98 07-13-2011 01:40 PM

I just came back to my EVO 4G from an EVO 3D. HTML exchange email worked in the email app on the 3D, but doesn't work in the email app on the 4G. Is it possible to pull the email app out of the 3D and put it into this Rom on the 4G?

Pitchblack98 07-14-2011 12:37 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*
Well I figured I would try pulling the mail app out of the EVO 3D rom and putting it into the 4G rom for the hell of it. Didn't work, Force crash everytime. I have no idea what I'm doing when messing with roms. Figured I had nothing to lose by trying.

You guys that know the detail side of roms are probably looking at me like, "Yeah that wasn't gonna work". lol

CYNICALifornia 07-14-2011 03:15 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*

Originally Posted by Pitchblack98 (Post 2127907)
You guys that know the detail side of roms are probably looking at me like, "Yeah that wasn't gonna work". lol

I for one know nothing about tweaking ROMs and applaud you for trying, for what it's worth.

big_tiger 07-15-2011 11:00 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*
Ok I am about to update my phone to the newest version of your rom, and I had a question.

Using Titanium backup, can I backup system data, update rom, and restore system data? I am getting tired of entering email account data and Bookmarks.

dottat 07-16-2011 12:49 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*

Originally Posted by big_tiger (Post 2128546)
Ok I am about to update my phone to the newest version of your rom, and I had a question.

Using Titanium backup, can I backup system data, update rom, and restore system data? I am getting tired of entering email account data and Bookmarks.

I use titanium for email, bluetooth pairings, and wifi access points. I use my backup root for everything else.

jj970 07-16-2011 12:20 PM

Car Mode?
I have had this ROM running for about a month and a half now (didn't update to the 7/2 version), with no issues. 2 days ago, when I turned on the phone, it was in "CAR MODE", but I wasn't in the car and have never used car mode.

Now, every time I plug the mini USB in, it turns on...there is also an icon for CAR MODE in the message bar at the top of the screen. Sometimes it will be in that mode even if it's not plugged in.

Why would it do that? I don't want it ever to be on. Can I disable it?

dottat 07-17-2011 02:07 AM

Re: Car Mode?

Originally Posted by jj970 (Post 2128682)
I have had this ROM running for about a month and a half now (didn't update to the 7/2 version), with no issues. 2 days ago, when I turned on the phone, it was in "CAR MODE", but I wasn't in the car and have never used car mode.

Now, every time I plug the mini USB in, it turns on...there is also an icon for CAR MODE in the message bar at the top of the screen. Sometimes it will be in that mode even if it's not plugged in.

Why would it do that? I don't want it ever to be on. Can I disable it?

I would bet its the charger or cable you are using. Do you have access to another charger to try ? The car dock chargers have an extra pin shorted to kick the phone into car mode. Also, check the usb connector on the phone to make sure nothing is in there shorting it out.

b4u2 07-17-2011 10:30 AM

Re: Car Mode?
I lost my phone on a motorcycle ride last weekend and got a refurb thru the Sprint insurance. Then I stupidly applied all the updates so now I can't even root. This really sucks. Never realized how much better my EVO ran until I got stcuk with this stock EVO.

kermit22 07-17-2011 04:29 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*
I've been running 7.2.11 for almost 2 weeks and now today my power button doesn't do anything and my screen won't shut off. If I pull the battery i can use the power button to turn the phone on but that's it. I tried reflashing and wiping the cache but it still doesn't want to work. Does anyone have any ideas what might have caused this?

Edit: I downloaded an app to turn off the screen and when I use it the screen shuts off for a second or 2 and then the lockscreen comes up and the screen never shuts off again. Is there something else I should try wiping besides the davlik and data caches?

maramos 07-17-2011 05:57 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*
First time using a custom rom on my Evo and I must say I'm very impressed. I just had 1 questions, on the stock Evo 2.2 rom when you are looking at all your apps you can smoothly scroll through all your apps where on this rom it is stepped and you scroll page by page. Any way to change this to what I'm used to?

netmagic 07-18-2011 06:14 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*
I have an issue I need help with - my Dictation (google Voice) can't hear me. I have unload and reloaded and gone into account and wipe memory - and everything will work for a while and then it stops.

Other than this this Rom is wonderful.

nowhere2run 07-18-2011 12:56 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*
I appoligize if this has been addressed. I have read throught the thread and can not find out how to fix mms not downloading or sending pictures.

Any help would be appreciated.

Mazzakre 07-18-2011 05:46 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*

Originally Posted by maramos (Post 2129061)
First time using a custom rom on my Evo and I must say I'm very impressed. I just had 1 questions, on the stock Evo 2.2 rom when you are looking at all your apps you can smoothly scroll through all your apps where on this rom it is stepped and you scroll page by page. Any way to change this to what I'm used to?

This is because of the version of sense being used with this rom I believe. You can use a homescreen loader app to change it if you want but I believe its cooked into the rom and cant be changed.


Originally Posted by nowhere2run (Post 2129327)
I appoligize if this has been addressed. I have read throught the thread and can not find out how to fix mms not downloading or sending pictures.

Any help would be appreciated.

Probably a bad flash. wipe and reflash.

nowhere2run 07-18-2011 11:00 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*

Originally Posted by nowhere2run (Post 2129327)
I appoligize if this has been addressed. I have read throught the thread and can not find out how to fix mms not downloading or sending pictures.

Any help would be appreciated.

I tried everything to fix this. Wipe/Reflash etc. nothing worked.

I found this on XDA I take no credit but it fixed the problems.

" Use root explorer, and make sure it is set to R/W mode (read/write). Navigate to /data/data/com.android.providers.telephony/databases/telephony.db and delete that file, then restart your phone. After the restart, you should be able to send and receive MMS messages."

blood 07-19-2011 06:49 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*

Originally Posted by nowhere2run (Post 2129524)
I tried everything to fix this. Wipe/Reflash etc. nothing worked.

I found this on XDA I take no credit but it fixed the problems.

" Use root explorer, and make sure it is set to R/W mode (read/write). Navigate to /data/data/com.android.providers.telephony/databases/telephony.db and delete that file, then restart your phone. After the restart, you should be able to send and receive MMS messages."

Had the same issue but fix was different. i got apn on/off and it showed me 2 apns i deleted one and pic text worked.i have no idea what the correct way is or if you need 2 apns but it worked.then again ive had some internet dropping issues for awhile also.so maybe ill reset apns and try this.thanks.

blood 07-19-2011 07:18 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*
[QUOTE=netmagic;2129213]I have an issue I need help with - my Dictation (google Voice) can't hear me. I have unload and reloaded and gone into account and wipe memory - and everything will work for a while and then it stops.

Other than this this Rom is wonderful.[/QUOTE
i think i have the same issue but mine works only if there is no noise any noise at all and it won't work.with froyo it worked great.

Cellmod2k 07-19-2011 03:38 PM

Re: Car Mode?

Originally Posted by jj970 (Post 2128682)
I have had this ROM running for about a month and a half now (didn't update to the 7/2 version), with no issues. 2 days ago, when I turned on the phone, it was in "CAR MODE", but I wasn't in the car and have never used car mode.

Now, every time I plug the mini USB in, it turns on...there is also an icon for CAR MODE in the message bar at the top of the screen. Sometimes it will be in that mode even if it's not plugged in.

Why would it do that? I don't want it ever to be on. Can I disable it?

I had this happen and it turned out that it was the charging port on the phone going bad. Sprint replaced my phone.

My take is this... Since manufacturers have gone to the micro-usb the ports are weak/flimsy/cheap. The micro ports don't hold up as well as the mini-usb did. With battery life as poor as it is on the new-gen smart phones the plugs get used A LOT!!

av8or 07-20-2011 08:22 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*
tried searching but unfortunately 4g is too short to be used by the engine...

anyhoo....you can't usb tether with 4g? as soon as i try i get the warning about buying the service from sprint and it reverts to 3g, wtfo?
i'm having lots of weird issues with force closes and stuff, so i may try to wipe all and flash the latest version this weekend, but if it keeps rolling like that i may roll back to froyo it was really stable for me, but i'll miss sense 2.1 and the new lock screen :(

Cellmod2k 07-20-2011 09:06 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*

Originally Posted by av8or (Post 2130020)
tried searching but unfortunately 4g is too short to be used by the engine...

anyhoo....you can't usb tether with 4g? as soon as i try i get the warning about buying the service from sprint and it reverts to 3g, wtfo?
i'm having lots of weird issues with force closes and stuff, so i may try to wipe all and flash the latest version this weekend, but if it keeps rolling like that i may roll back to froyo it was really stable for me, but i'll miss sense 2.1 and the new lock screen :(

I use the PDA net app. It will connect by USB and use 4G when available. Also, I was able, as long as I was tethering with 4G, to do voice and data simultaneously!!!

M2Iceman 07-20-2011 09:35 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*

Originally Posted by nowhere2run (Post 2129327)
I appoligize if this has been addressed. I have read throught the thread and can not find out how to fix mms not downloading or sending pictures.

Any help would be appreciated.

If you are using stock or Handcent you will have to use a clean install. Also go into menu>setting>apps Look for and clear data on both Handcent and Messages. Then reboot. You will have to re-download Handcent and start off fresh. Its a pain but I did some of the steps others were trying and then had wiped clean start and its working. You may also want to check you speed of up and down load in your area. I had 250kb at my house and complained to Sprint and got an Airrave. Now on network im getting 1.6MB-2MB speed for download and pic messages are going through

jxmetal 07-21-2011 11:37 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*
These last couple days I've ran into a problem with com.smithmicro.dm randomly erroring throughout the day.

Anyone familiar with this?

machinematrix 07-22-2011 09:56 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*
How about can anyone get visual voice-mail to work? The market version doesn't see the need to download messages, and the mandatory upgrade just force closes...

dottat 07-23-2011 01:08 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*

Originally Posted by jxmetal (Post 2130735)
These last couple days I've ran into a problem with com.smithmicro.dm randomly erroring throughout the day.

Anyone familiar with this?

Thats part of vvm i believe. Try tossing and reinstalling

blood 07-23-2011 07:15 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11*
My internet issues are gone.had some tower trouble in the area so i called to see how long the down time would be and had them reset my phone. When it came back on everything was normal again.

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