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-   -   [FINAL] OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 7/2/11* (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=142980)

Mazzakre 06-27-2011 06:04 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 6/22/11*

Originally Posted by richarc93 (Post 2120685)
Target has a special right now TODAY Sunday. Turn in your working EVO 4g and get 150 credit towards the $199 EVO3D. Guess what I'm getting in a couple of hours for $50.... The 3D baby... Now I need to get the thing rooted once I get it in my hands... :twisted:

Nextworth through target has EVO with a trade in value of $140 in case anyone missed the Target trade in deal


Originally Posted by tatmatic (Post 2120622)
wow im gettin so pissed //// cant get ra recovery to work ... keeps getting ra .... 2.2 froyo 4.5 from omj is the only thing that works ....

You need to be in recovery to flash from amon ra. When you go to the recovery screen (power phone off completely, having already turned fast boot off, hold down the vol down button and power button until booted into recovery), you will see amon ra recovery at the bottom and the text will be green.

Amonra doesnt let you flash from rom manager like clockworkmod does.

blood 06-27-2011 09:46 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 6/22/11*
Sprint store i went to said sprint has the same deal 150 trade in for evo.

CYNICALifornia 06-27-2011 12:17 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 6/22/11*
Alright folks, I gots a couple of questions that have nothing to do with the 3D (it's not that I don't care, I just don't have money ;) )

1) Battery life on 1.9 is not as good as it was on 1.6 for me. Why? Any suggestions?

2) Any app I move to the SD's icon promptly reverts to the standard green and white android icon. Why? Any suggestions?

With that, please continue with the 3D discission, and is you see fit, reply me. Much thanks.

tatmatic 06-27-2011 02:03 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 6/22/11*
yep did the ra flash didnt work its like there is a clock mod stuck in my phone and wont come out ...

gamarosado 06-27-2011 05:56 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 6/22/11*
Is there a fix for this?

gamarosado 06-27-2011 05:57 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 6/22/11*

Originally Posted by turboll (Post 2120270)
hey omj any way how to change mobile view i unchecked it in browser settings but but when i go to a page it always shows in mobile view!?!?!?!

Is there a fix for this?

rkiechle 06-27-2011 07:45 PM

Love the rom. Horrible battery life..
Only thing I don't like is not being able to ignore incoming call with text message... Am I missing something on that?

Thanks omj, your rom always seems just about perfect for my taste....

kgeeez 06-28-2011 11:00 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 6/22/11*
IS there a way to make the Sense screens go in auto landscape?

mdiaz33685 06-28-2011 11:59 AM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 6/22/11*

Originally Posted by rkiechle (Post 2121341)
Love the rom. Horrible battery life..
Only thing I don't like is not being able to ignore incoming call with text message... Am I missing something on that?

Thanks omj, your rom always seems just about perfect for my taste....

when the incoming call is coming thru..
hit the menu button, it will be there... =D>

awesome rom,,
hope ur not leaving us now that u have the 3D,,,,

tatmatic 06-28-2011 01:05 PM

Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs | GingerBread 4.24.651.1 | *Updated 6/22/11*
ahh forget it ...i got the 3d for 50 bucks ....

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