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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 09:09 AM
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RSTG Roms - Sense 2.1 Diam WM6.5_21876_04 .-. 1/25/10

Here is my version of Manila v2.1 aka SenseUI. With all the creature-comforts of a RSToyGuy Rom!

Kudo's to Calkulin - Visual Kitchen Base v4.2!
Kudo's to OMJ - Sense Kitchen Base packages (Although highly modified by now! )
Kudo's to kimi_sae_ireda - Sense 2.1 port @ xda

Curses to rileyd5 - Putting me up to this rom.... lol.

I decided to create a new thread because that way I can focus on this rom instead of 20 post that ask which rom is it...

Insert bold colored disclaimer here about how it is not my fault
if you mess up your phone
lose sleep
after Flashing this Rom...

Before flashing this ROM, you MUST be Unlocked!!!
Sticky: How To's: Unlocking, Relocking, Flashing, Dumping and Troubleshooting

(actual rom may vary slightly from images below)


Rom Download Links:

Sense 2.1 - WindowsMobile v6.5 21876
(build release post #39 - Updated 1/25/10)
(Calkulin's Visual kitchen - Generic Carrier Version)
PagePool = 6

Here is what's inside my Diamond Rom Series:
My Stuff/Additions
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\OEM\MASD] "Manila"="2_1_19202517_0.VGA.CFC by kimi_sae_ireba" zzzTweaks_Gen.Y Sense v2.1 VGA Service Pack 1.1
Tweak_sense2.1_Disable Push Internet by Captain Throwback Tweak - No Interceptor manila.exe Tweak_sense2.1_S25_Email_Tab_AddonV3 Tweak_sense2_1_BGMod Tweak_sense2_1_Calendar_Tab_Update_VGA Tweaks_Sense_2_1_Clear_Clock_Letras_Font Tweaks_Sense_2_1_Disable_FlipClock zzz_HTCSense21_Tweak_Don zzzTweaks_Sense21_Panorama "apps_s21_QuickMenu"="2_8_414_1614" Icons - HTC Start Menu Icon Phone - QILIN_PhoneCanvas_VGA_amarullz "WindowsMarketPlace"="1_1_1109_0000" "WindowsLive"="10_7_0500_2000" "Google Translator"="1_4" "GAlarm"="1_5_1" "Batti"="2_4" "HTCBirthday"="1_2_0_0" "Bing"="4_6_9179_1" "Messaging_Client_Arcsoft"="5_2_2_37"
Calkulins Stuff/Additions
"CheckAutoRun"="2_18_0_0" "AutoRun"="4_31_6_0" "HTCAnimation"="1_3_5_2" "Video_Telephony"="2_5_36138_0" "Phone_Canvas_Enhancement"="4_3_61119192710_0_VGA_amarullz" "InCallRecorder"="1_0_1821_2426" "Voice_Recorder"="1_10_19192524_1" "MP3_Trimmer"="1_2_19192829_0" "Audio_Booster"="2_2_19192823_0" "Opera_Browser"="9_70_35541_0" "Teeter"="1_7_19183731_00" "Text_Selection"="1_0_19202229_00" "RandomAccess"="4_1_18222125_0" "Long_Press_End_Key"="1_2_19183728_00" "CommManager"="2_9_5_0" "Wi-FiWizard"="1_7_3_0" "CMPin"="1_3_0_0" "CMPhone"="1_1_0_0" "CMInternetSharing"="1_1_1_2" "QuickGPS"="1_01_19131225_00" "Calculator"="1_0_19172025_00" "AdobePDF"="2_5_1_0_404840_03" "TimeZoneAutoFix"="1_0_19203033_00" "New_Contact_Card"="1_0_19183725_00" "Menu_Enhancement"="1_1_19202527_00" "HTCMessage"="1_00_281_0" "HTCGeoService"="1_0_19201627_00" "GPS_GMM"="3_2_116_1" "GoogleLocationService"="1_0_1_21" "Facebook_Engine"="1_1_19201832_00" "Audio_Manager_Engine"="2_0_19201927_h" "Album"="3_2_19203733_0" "aGPS_Confirmation"="1_0_19201925_01" "PushInternetEngine"="1_0_19173030_00" "Manila"="2_1_19202517_0.VGA.CFC by kimi_sae_ireba" "ContactUtilityEngine"="1_0_19182924_0000" "QuickMenu"="2_8_414_1614" "HTCSDKVTCodec_QVP"="1_5_34627_0" "FingerKeyb"="2_1_408" "XT9_IME"="1_5_33846_0" "EzInput"="1_5_32437_0" "FMRadio"="1_6_18174024_1" "YouTube"="2_5_19151528_00" "VolumeControl"="1_6_18223325_0" "TouchFLO"="3_0_19143222_RW00" "Task_Manager"="2_1_19203725_21" "EnlargeStartMenu"="1_2_37901_1" "USBToPCPopUp"="2_2_19171630_0" "USBtoPC"="1_27_0_0" "Streaming_Media"="3_1_19183525_01" "HTCApplication"="1_14_1_0" "G_Sensor_Calibrator"="1_1_19183824_0" "Full_Screen_Player"="1_7_19173221_00" "Fuart"="1_14_0_1" "EPSTLab"="4_14_0_0" "EPST"="4_65_0_0" "DiscretixDRM"="1_0_20090930_CP_01" "CMBluetooth"="1_1_4_0" "CMBandSwitching"="2_2_1_1" "Camera"="6_22_34164_0" "zlibce_m"="1_2_3_1" "Streaming_SDK"="2_7_19182725_00" "SmartTouch"="1_0_32417_1" "SharedResource"="1_0_19201926_00" "Shared_Modules"="1_01_19201225_00" "SensorSDK"="3_3_18192831_1" "Resource_Proxy"="1_0_19171732_02" "mHub_VO"="1_7_090929_0" "mHub"="6_57_090121_E1" "HTCScroll"="1_0_1914_2726" "HTCGesture"="1_0_32356_0" "HTCFramework"="1_1_19202625_00" "HTCFontLink"="1_0_19132133_1" "AdvancedPowerManagement"="1_5_18193426" "FlashLiteShareDLL"="1_0_19201927_0" "DShow"="2_0_19193427_00" "DRM_Middleware"="1_5_19162824_00" "Concurrence_Mgr"="1_5_19191120_00" "BTFTP"="1_2_33309_91" "BTBPP"="1_9_3_0" "Boot_Launcher"="1_0_19181525_1" "AutoShortcut"="1_1_2_0"
Misc Rom Notes:
- Camera : Must Open, then exit, then re-open for it to work....Working on this one...

See Post #2 for ChangeLog...

Older Version Archive:

If this post was helpfull, let me know by clicking Thanks!

Last edited by rstoyguy; 01-25-2010 at 06:26 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 09:09 AM
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Re: RSTG Roms - Sense 2.1 WM6.5_21876_01 .-. Comming Soon!

What's inside the following OEM Notes:
Battery_Enh_v1.5 - battery polling tweak, and other misc battery tweaks.

Includes the following 17 Games:
- Installs to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games ........................DopeWars, Kevtris, Pocket Sand, Pocket Video Poker, Tripzee.
- Installs to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games\Arcade ..............PacMan, Ms. Pacman, Frogger, , GemSwap, ICBM, Distant Galaxies.
- Installs to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games\Card Games ........Freecell, Hearts.
- Installs to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games\Strategy ............MasterMind, Rubik Cube, Chess, Pocket Sudoku, Crosswords.

Includes 18 Extra Camera Backgound:

--- Total Commander w/Tweak for 2 window mode, "\" and "\Storage Card\". And sorted by name.
--- PHM RegEdit
--- KeePass Password Manager
--- PIMBackup v2.8
--- Spb Screen Shot
--- Pocket Rar v3.71

zzz_My_Files_Dia_OEM - Custom Boot screens

zzz_My_Registry_OEM - I wonder...

zzz_My_Sounds_OEM - Customized Rom Sounds
- Ringer: Third Rock from the Sun Theme
- ActiveSync Connect: "Device Connected to activesync"
- ActiveSync DisConnect: "Device Disconnected from activesync"
- Text Messages: "You have a text message boss.."
- New Email: "New Email has arrived"

zzz_My_Start_Menu_ppcKitchen_v2.0_OEM - Customized Start Menu Sorted

Change Log:
To do:
- Tweak battery
- Tweak Start Menu more
Version Sense2.1_04 
- Removed patched Manila.exe causing alignment issues...done.
- Added apps_FONT_ENHANCEMENTS. Nice new look!...done.
- Several other misc tweaks/enhancements...done.
- Fixed issue with camera not working the first time...done.
--- Removed GfxBoost 1.2...done.
- Fixed issue with scrolling blurr in AppointmentEditor_1_0_1920_2410...done.
--- Replaced SharedResource_1_0_19213622_00...done.
--- Replaced HTCFramework_1_5_19213632_00...done.
- Added OperaMini5 beta...done.
- Fixed issue where you couldn't set your homescreen weather....done.
- Added Apps_TPC_Task_Manager_X2_6_5_3...done.
- Better battery life
--- 10% battery driver
--- Optimized D3D video drivers
--- Added NoData
- Added Transparent bottom bar...done.
- Upgraded to apps_Office Mobile 2010...done.
Version Sense2.1_02
- Replaced dialer with Rhodium Dialer...done.
- Installed clear slider mod...done.
Version Sense2.1_01
- Initial Release...done.

How to setup User Customization Links:
For UC here are a couple good threads: User Customization setup
and the original over at xda: [App] ROM Flashing Junkies: User Customization is here
and...Post Your SDconfig.txt, provisioning.xml, etc. Files Here!

Known Issues:
- Camera : Must Open, then exit, then re-open for it to work....Working on this one...


Rom Quirks and How To:
Get rid of QuickMenu : Delete \windows\startup\QuickMenu.lnk, reboot.

Get rid of Batti Battery Guage : Delete \windows\startup\Batti.lnk, reboot.

Get rid of Small Keyboard : Delete \windows\startup\SIPChange.lnk, reboot.

Last edited by rstoyguy; 01-25-2010 at 05:45 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 09:09 AM
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Re: RSTG Roms - Sense 2.1 WM6.5_21876_01 .-. Comming Soon!

Yeah, it's coming... I am currently getting re-aquainted with the Diamond memory limitations and will upload when I get done sometime this morning or this afternoon.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 10:41 AM
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Re: RSTG Roms - Sense 2.1 WM6.5_21876_01 .-. Comming Soon!

Initial release! Let me know how it goes...

Sense 2.1 - WindowsMobile v6.5 21876
(build release post # - Updated 1/17/10)
(Calkulin's Visual kitchen - Generic Carrier Version)
PagePool = 6

Last edited by rstoyguy; 01-21-2010 at 11:21 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 11:11 AM
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Re: RSTG Roms - Sense 2.1 WM6.5_21876_01 .-. 1/17/10

Good to see ya in the mix buddy!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 11:16 AM
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Re: RSTG Roms - Sense 2.1 WM6.5_21876_01 .-. 1/17/10

Thanks Don!! Ask and ye shall receive I guess Looks fantastic. Will be flashing this soon.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 12:32 PM
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Re: RSTG Roms - Sense 2.1 WM6.5_21876_01 .-. 1/17/10

Life has it's problems... And so did my rom upload. Here is a tested version and it's good to go! Sorry folks...

Sense 2.1 - WindowsMobile v6.5 21876
(build release post # - Updated 1/17/10)
(Calkulin's Visual kitchen - Generic Carrier Version)
PagePool = 6

Last edited by rstoyguy; 01-21-2010 at 11:21 PM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 06:25 PM
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Re: RSTG Roms - Sense 2.1 Diam WM6.5_21876_01 .-. 1/17/10

Right a sense 2.1 from rstoyguy, I will be putting this on tonight

welcome back to the diamond section rstoyguy

Thanks rileyd5 for convincing to do another diamond rom
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 06:49 PM
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Re: RSTG Roms - Sense 2.1 Diam WM6.5_21876_01 .-. 1/17/10

Gonna try this tonight...thanks rstg...nice to see you on this side of the fence for a little while.
You live and learn....just hope you don't brick it!!!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-17-2010, 09:14 PM
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Re: RSTG Roms - Sense 2.1 Diam WM6.5_21876_01 .-. 1/17/10

Hi Don, finally got her loaded up. long day out.. Anyway, will let you know how it goes. One thing thus far, tapping the clock on the first page doesnt do anything.

Panoramic is very cool!

Last edited by Riley; 01-17-2010 at 09:16 PM.
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