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jeiyuu 04-28-2009 04:29 PM

Re: Calku's Roms

Originally Posted by doublej3030 (Post 882716)
did you try also locking your phone? and did you turn on the setting where only the power button activates the screen once locked? the screen could be displaying in your pocket if not

good suggestion.. i run a custom rom built by calku's kitchen 4.6.4, but i run 6.1 and almost completely stripped down.. also, i have a habit of running cleartemp before locking my device with S2U2.. my battery life can go for almost 2 days on a full charge..

you also might want to flash your stock carrier rom before flashing again.. this may help, esp if you flashed calku over another custom rom..

MrAndyGets 04-28-2009 04:49 PM

Re: Calku's Roms
did you try also locking your phone? and did you turn on the setting where only the power button activates the screen once locked? the screen could be displaying in your pocket if not[/quote]

Yes I did do the lock...... Also did all the tweaks I found on here to improve battery life...... I dont know what else to do....... I really like calku's roms.

indagroove 04-28-2009 04:54 PM

Re: Calku's Roms
These posts should stay in the related thread. Please read: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=65921

MrAndyGets 04-28-2009 07:05 PM

Re: Calku's Roms

Originally Posted by indagroove (Post 882781)
These posts should stay in the related thread. Please read: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=65921

Dam I am sorry I just noticed that I made a new thread..... So sorry Groove.... Could you move it to that thread please..... Sorry again. Did I tell ya I am OLD? :)

DbLoCk3NiNe 04-28-2009 08:27 PM

Re: Calku's Roms
My battery life on his latest rom has been great. I was at 80% at 7am and right now im at 40% with texting, making calls, and using orb for a little bit(20 mins) for most of the day. I use the battery saver cab and nueDynamicClock to save battery.

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