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  #121 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2009, 07:49 PM
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Re: [03/29/09] ATR 30 Manila/Rhodium TF3D (build 21028)

Originally Posted by evertec View Post
So I was very curious and somewhat excited, albeit skeptical of the battery claims of this rom. I messaged TaylorSPJ and asked if he could detail the changes he made to get such results but he declined to divulge the secret and instead directed me to use his rom. So I benchmarked using Battery Monitor using my rom first and then his. The results are as follows:

JonRom 1.9:
standby: 13mA
idle screen bright: 75mA
idle dimmed 57mA
during call: 374-440mA

ATR TF3d2 V2:
standby: 13mA
idle screen bright: 84mA
idle dimmed: 57mA
during call: 341-440mA

As you can see, results are almost identical. TaylorSPJ, let me know if there's something I need to do to enable your battery saving hacks. I flashed your rom as directed and these are the results I got. Unless I hear otherwise, I conclude that there's nothing in this rom with regard to battery life that hasn't already been implemented in mine and other roms.

edit: I'm trying real world testing by running tethered through bluetooth, making calls, etc. So far the battery indicator has stayed at 90%. I can't tell yet whether it's just not updating quickly or if it's really going down that slowly. Will post further results later.

edit2: Unfortunately, it looks like for one, the battery indictator is set to 10% increments, and for two, it is set to a very infrequent poll rate. The indicator finally went down to 80% after about 20 minutes, but then I soft reset and it went down to 60% immediately. This is after only about 45 minutes of heavy use (from 100% to 60%).

edit3: Now down to 20% after 15 more minutes of heavy use. Again, it stayed at 60% until I restarted.
I'm gonna test this rom soon to see if the battery is as awesome as what has been said.

Is there a way to get the battery to update every 1% instead of 10% increments without using the nuePower driver?
Also, will using the nuePower driver change battery performance?
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  #122 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2009, 08:37 AM
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Re: [03/29/09] ATR 30 Manila/Rhodium TF3D (build 21028)

Originally Posted by tehxeno View Post
I'm gonna test this rom soon to see if the battery is as awesome as what has been said.

Is there a way to get the battery to update every 1% instead of 10% increments without using the nuePower driver?
Also, will using the nuePower driver change battery performance?
There is a reg hack to change how often the phone polls the battery to tell you what % it is. The reason people set this reg not to poll frequently enough to give you 1% decrease info is because the more often it polls the more battery it uses. If you'd like to try it for yourself the Reg is:

HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\Battery--->PollInterval is the value to change... Higher the number the less often it polls. (Hope that's right I'm going by memory, if not someone correct me please.)

Not using this rom or anything, but I noticed your question while checking it out...
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  #123 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2009, 11:25 AM
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Re: [03/29/09] ATR 30 Manila/Rhodium TF3D (build 21028)

Originally Posted by powe6563 View Post
There is a reg hack to change how often the phone polls the battery to tell you what % it is. The reason people set this reg not to poll frequently enough to give you 1% decrease info is because the more often it polls the more battery it uses. If you'd like to try it for yourself the Reg is:

HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\Battery--->PollInterval is the value to change... Higher the number the less often it polls. (Hope that's right I'm going by memory, if not someone correct me please.)

Not using this rom or anything, but I noticed your question while checking it out...
I knew about the polling, that only updates how often the check happens. I was trying to find out how to change how to change the battery guage to show changes per 1% because the default shows updaes in incremets of 10%.
Thanks though, I forgot about polling in my regedits..
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  #124 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2009, 01:18 AM
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Re: [04/02/09] ATR 30 V2 Manila/Rhodium TF3D (build 21028)

sweet rom
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