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  #1311 (permalink)  
Old 04-25-2009, 10:45 PM
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Re: ## intxROM 1.6 online. *Sprint Theme* ^Rhodium Manila Perfected^ ## 4/13/09

Originally Posted by Trident View Post
I skimmed through the majority of this thread...
  1. I'm not able to add any favorites on the People tab. Nor can I open All People.
  2. No BT or headset icons- I think I read in Calkulin's thread that this was a known issue.
  3. No MSVC custom icon. No big deal.
  4. I can't seem to change any background in TF3D. Home or any others.
  5. I thought that Rhodium had the functional Calendar tab? This is the same useless one I remember from before, no?
  6. When I try to open Contacts from the Home tab (since I can't from the People tab) I get an error message and nothing.
So frustrating. This looked like the best of the bunch.
I've tried 3-4 ROMs over the last few days... each seems to have it's strong points.
I want a reasonably quick Rhodium ROM that works. Not looking for pretty.
I want to be able to link contacts and calendar to PI8. Working people/calendar tabs. Being able to change the background and/or theme wouild be nice, but not the big priority. I'd also like to be able to use whatever custom ringtone I want, but again, not the biggest priority.
I have ZERO clue what happened with your flash bro. Everything you mentioned except the bluetooth icons.

Everything Rhodium related is pretty damn close to perfection(for what we have to work with).

Reflash, definitely.

WTF? Looking at the screenshot, that's definitely not my ROM.
Use intxROM

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  #1312 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2009, 05:19 PM
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Re: ## intxROM 1.6 online. *Sprint Theme* ^Rhodium Manila Perfected^ ## 4/13/09

Originally Posted by intx View Post
I have ZERO clue what happened with your flash bro. Everything you mentioned except the bluetooth icons.

Everything Rhodium related is pretty damn close to perfection(for what we have to work with).

Reflash, definitely.

WTF? Looking at the screenshot, that's definitely not my ROM.
I have a feeling that I know what caused it.
It is your ROM, but I have some customizations that run using UC and I think that one or more of them caused everthing to be FUBAR.
I just flashed the Mystery ROM with zero UC and it's working well.
Tomorrow I'll try this one again without UC and see which one I like better.

Another question- I haven't tried it yet, but does SSMaHo work with Rhodium?
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  #1313 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2009, 05:22 PM
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Re: ## intxROM 1.6 online. *Sprint Theme* ^Rhodium Manila Perfected^ ## 4/13/09

Originally Posted by denttarek View Post
i like your slider icons and theme over all and the taskbar weather if you can share that would be wonderful,thank you
Those are the Buuf icons by 12Aon.
I'll try to find them for you or you can get them over on XDA.

Here is the link.
CAB attached.
Attached Files
File Type: cab 12aon Buuf Icons + Tabs 1.5.cab (730.4 KB, 8 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by Trident; 04-26-2009 at 05:26 PM.
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  #1314 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2009, 07:51 PM
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Re: ## intxROM 1.6 online. *Sprint Theme* ^Rhodium Manila Perfected^ ## 4/13/09

this is a great ROM btw, no issues that I see so far. (although i havn't tried everything out just yet, just flashed it). When would 2.0 come out? and what would be the differences?
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  #1315 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2009, 11:01 PM
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Re: ## intxROM 1.6 online. *Sprint Theme* ^Rhodium Manila Perfected^ ## 4/13/09

Originally Posted by Trident View Post
but does SSMaHo work with Rhodium?
Yes it does
Hope this helps? Please press the button if it did.
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  #1316 (permalink)  
Old 04-27-2009, 09:20 AM
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Re: ## intxROM 1.6 online. *Sprint Theme* ^Rhodium Manila Perfected^ ## 4/13/09

Originally Posted by brc64 View Post
Okay, last one for now... is there a way to link SMS messages back to the old messaging app instead of the rhodium one? The rhodium messaging app is pretty and all, but it seems to cut my messages short instead of break them up into 2 or more messages if they run long. It also doesn't have the nice character counter that the older app has, and T9 doesn't work.
Just for feedback, it seems this isn't intx-specific. I noticed some people complaining about this on Mystery's latest rhodium ROM as well. I guess it's an issue with rhodium (or the kitchen you guys are using?). As of right now, that and the unpredictable clock (I've tried the posted fixes but it still occasionally changes on me) are my only complaints, so I'd say you're doing pretty well.
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  #1317 (permalink)  
Old 04-27-2009, 12:44 PM
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Re: ## intxROM 1.6 online. *Sprint Theme* ^Rhodium Manila Perfected^ ## 4/13/09

once xbox from XDA totally ports the rhodium, all the problems will be fixed, including the clock feature, just a matter of time now really. The only bug i've seen in this (and its more of an annoyance personally, not really anything huge or that really matters) is when I click on any menu and it pops up, the down arrow is kinda cut off so I can't click it to move the menu down, so I have to just scroll down by dragging my finger (which isn't a big deal lol)).

Like I said, this ROM is amazing, and really no problems i've had so far. Good job intx!
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  #1318 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2009, 09:27 AM
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Re: ## intxROM 1.6 online. *Sprint Theme* ^Rhodium Manila Perfected^ ## 4/13/09

This installation has gone 100% better.
So far, everything is working great. Manually installing my customizations to see which one screwed things up when done with UC.
Very impressive so far.
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  #1319 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2009, 12:06 PM
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Re: ## intxROM 1.6 online. *Sprint Theme* ^Rhodium Manila Perfected^ ## 4/13/09

A few questions- not sure if they're bugs or not.
  1. Why can't I get my BT icon to show up? BT is definitely on.
  2. For a while, I was getting menus with a really strange font... now they all look OK. But they are also the normal pop-up-from-the bottom menus. Are the nice scrolling "floating" menus WM6.5 only?
  3. Somehow, the dates on some of my appointments were acting strange. I had a few appointments (recurring) that were showing in TF3D as being a day earlier than they were when I opened my calendar and looked at them. I went in to edit them, made zero changes, but now they're all back to normal.
  4. The wallpaper picker is using Album instead of the regular directory/menu. It's nice since it shows a larger sample, but it's a little more difficult to scroll without accidently selecting the wrong wallpaper. Which brings me to...
  5. Album seems to be the only module that does use the "floating" enhanced menus. But the bottom most selections always bounce back so that they can't be selected easily. Difficult as my wallpapers are in a folder called Wallpaper and they happen to be listed last when sorted alphabetically. I did get it to be selected, but it took a while and a very slow, steady movement.
That's all for now. Back to work.

Last edited by Trident; 04-28-2009 at 02:17 PM.
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  #1320 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2009, 01:46 PM
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Re: ## intxROM 1.6 online. *Sprint Theme* ^Rhodium Manila Perfected^ ## 4/13/09

Originally Posted by Trident View Post
A few questions- not sure if they're bugs or not.
  1. Why can't I get my BT icon to show up? BT is definitely on.
  2. For a while, I was getting menus with a really strang font... now they all look OK. But they are also the normal pop-up-from-the bottom menus. Are the nice scrolling "floating" menus WM6.5 only?
That's all for now. Back to work.
For 1, I think it might be an issue w/ the dialer. I'm not 100% sure about that but its just a guess.

For 2, that happens to me everynow and then, except only when I connect to activesync. Its weird, but not really a problem and seems to happen rarely. And yea the kinetic scrolling is 6.5 (which is SO nice lol)
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