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  #1831 (permalink)  
Old 09-30-2009, 10:46 PM
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Re: 9.30.09 #intxROM Premier/Fidelity# {6.1 or 6.5.1}

Looking forward to testing out your new ROM! thanks
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  #1832 (permalink)  
Old 09-30-2009, 11:56 PM
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Re: 9.30.09 #intxROM Premier/Fidelity# {6.1 or 6.5.1}

I am looking forward to trying the latest 9/30 rom too i haven't tried your 2.5 yet I have a copy of it downloaded but I have been playing with your 9/27 fidelity 6.5 rom.

I did have to reflash it last night. I was changing around the wallpaper and changed the theme to the blue one. then I couldn't change it back. then the settings and icons in the start menu both like when I went to slide the screen it like dragged the icons and I couldn't use start menu or settings. couldn't switch the top and bottom bars back from blue. I had installed a bunch of apps and things on it so no idea if it was the roms fault but I thought I would let you know intx and everyone else in case someone has a simular problem and am looking forward to getting the 9/30 rom put on it. I hadn't done anything to tf3d like run configs on it. and the wallpaper and theme were the ones on the phone. (I didn't do any from any pictures on the phone or anything that I remember) oh and soft resets didn't solve the problem.

Battery life for me is better I put phone in airplane mode frequently at work as no signal inside. I am still trying to figure out how to put like long press of the end key to toggle airplane mode I found the screen where the home button is pressed to flip the screen so I will explore it more and see how to add new button(s). \ Before my phone after being unhooked and driving to work 20 minutes i get to work and have 70 percent battery i used the phone today made 3 short phone calls played with it very little and 12 hours later. (with it being in airplane mode for 8 hours) is still at 70 percent so definatly better performance for me.

a good power saving tip for folks for any phone rebooting the phone like turning it off instead of putting it in airplane mode if airplane mode is available (depending on the time the phone is off) kills battery when the phone starts up its gotta connect to netowrk fire up all the programs that run the phone and the like you are going to notice the battery go down faster if you turn off the phone and back on a few times. .

thanks intx for your hard work. one last question what is a good way to get a cab install for microsoft office I don't use it but it is nice to have if its needed to read a document etc.
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  #1833 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2009, 03:58 AM
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Re: 9.30.09 #intxROM Premier/Fidelity# {6.1 or 6.5.1}

well, i liked intx2.0, and grew to liking 2.5....

flashing Fidelity right now...

Thanks for all these ROMS. I've tried ROMS from 6-7 other people, including trying to make some of my own, but I always go back to yours.
Mine: HTC Evo 4g (2.1 stock)
Hers: Samsung Moment (2.1 update)
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  #1834 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2009, 06:54 PM
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Re: 9.30.09 #intxROM Premier/Fidelity# {6.1 or 6.5.1}

If you enable turbo on 9.7, it's faster than Skyfire and about as quick as Mini.
How do you enable it? I dont see it under settings->advance like it used to be?
Also, what is the difference between the CAB on the first page and the operabrowser_wm_97b1 version on the Opera mobile site? Is it just an older version or tweeked to work with this ROM?

Last edited by elmariachi; 10-01-2009 at 07:13 PM.
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  #1835 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2009, 08:32 PM
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Re: 9.30.09 #intxROM Premier/Fidelity# {6.1 or 6.5.1}

[/CODE]How do you enable it? I dont see it under settings->advance like it used to be?
Also, what is the difference between the CAB on the first page and the operabrowser_wm_97b1 version on the Opera mobile site? Is it just an older version or tweeked to work with this ROM?[/QUOTE]

from what i read...the solution is here...http://www.wmexperts.com/tags/opera-mobile-97
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  #1836 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2009, 09:06 PM
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Re: 9.30.09 #intxROM Premier/Fidelity# {6.1 or 6.5.1}

I've flashed this ROM 2 times... The first flash it seems much slower than 2.5, after reading some comments about its speed, I thought I'd reflash it... it made no difference. For a 6.5 ROM its not bad... but compared to 6.1 its like a snail. There seems to be some kind of issue with the volume control, it seems to pop up on its own at wierd times... like the start up or when your trying to answer a call. Also when I try to answer the call there is a significant delay between when you slide2answer and when it actually picks up the call. The delay is brutal, I've missed a few calls because it just pauses for so long before it picks up. Anyone else experiencing this?

1st time i flashed i just did it over 2.5... 2nd time i clear storaged' flash to stock clear storaged again, and then flashed fidelity, and clear storaged again...
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  #1837 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2009, 09:12 PM
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Re: 9.30.09 #intxROM Premier/Fidelity# {6.1 or 6.5.1}

Originally Posted by p2k View Post
I've flashed this ROM 2 times... The first flash it seems much slower than 2.5, after reading some comments about its speed, I thought I'd reflash it... it made no difference. For a 6.5 ROM its not bad... but compared to 6.1 its like a snail. There seems to be some kind of issue with the volume control, it seems to pop up on its own at wierd times... like the start up or when your trying to answer a call. Also when I try to answer the call there is a significant delay between when you slide2answer and when it actually picks up the call. The delay is brutal, I've missed a few calls because it just pauses for so long before it picks up. Anyone else experiencing this?

1st time i flashed i just did it over 2.5... 2nd time i clear storaged' flash to stock clear storaged again, and then flashed fidelity, and clear storaged again...

i can verify the random volume control issue mine is doing the same thing
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  #1838 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2009, 09:36 PM
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Re: 9.30.09 #intxROM Premier/Fidelity# {6.1 or 6.5.1}

Honestly, I didn't really want to create a 6.5 ROM.

I did it because I felt it was time I tried one, and I made it as fast as I could. I think it was overall a success dealing with the SYS's we have right now.

Premier is 6.1, it's blazing. Pure speed. I'm testing what may be the release right now.

I believe I may pull Fidelity until 6.5 gets to where it needs to be.
Use intxROM

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  #1839 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2009, 09:43 PM
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Re: 9.30.09 #intxROM Premier/Fidelity# {6.1 or 6.5.1}

Originally Posted by intx View Post
Honestly, I didn't really want to create a 6.5 ROM.

I did it because I felt it was time I tried one, and I made it as fast as I could. I think it was overall a success dealing with the SYS's we have right now.

Premier is 6.1, it's blazing. Pure speed. I'm testing what may be the release right now.

I believe I may pull Fidelity until 6.5 gets to where it needs to be.
yeah i like your 6.1 roms...6.5.1 appears to have alot of bugs and doesn't seem to be viable right now. as far as 6.5 they have some pretty fast but not as fast as 6.1 roms out there. i personally use 6.5 for the more finger-friendly aspects though
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  #1840 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2009, 10:13 PM
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Re: 9.30.09 #intxROM Premier/Fidelity# {6.1 or 6.5.1}

Premier is done.

It's pretty much perfect.

Youtube works.
Auto-rotation? Fastest i've ever seen it. Also with send key, for those who like the manual approach.
Teeter? Check, working fine.
Speed? Rumor has it Usain Bolt wouldn't stand a chance.
Aesthetics? Double yes.
Try to play a vid file in album on 2.5 and hate your life? not anymore.

So unless something major happens, I think this is THE rom to have until Manila 2.5 starts shaping up.

Release tomorrow around 1-1:30 pm EST.


Oh yeah, for the record: about 97 mb free off flashing. Google Maps is included.

Last edited by intx; 10-01-2009 at 10:17 PM.
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