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Old 12-03-2008, 12:40 AM
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Custom VGA OEM Requests ....Get them here! Updated 6/13/2009

Quite a few of you are aware of my other OEM request thread, I will have my Touch Diamond in 12 hours of posting this. Yeah! I enjoyed my other thread as it turned me onto alot of different software. And while I don't really enjoy oem'ing software where the author releases a new version everyday (A_C... ) , I'll do what I can.

This thread is meant to be a supplement to PPCKitchen_OEM_VGA.rar and PPCKitchen_OEM.rar. Check there first...

An OEM Tutorial, NuePackageInstaller for non-flashers can be found in post #4.
Note: These OEM's will also work with popular kitchens like calkulins, erice's, indagroove, and others. While the kitchen chefs test everything and have different styles, you should not be limited to what they provide you! Just drop these OEM's into your kitchens ..\OEM directory and enjoy!!!
Most will also work with wm6.1 as well as wm6.5 unless it is commonly known to only work with one, like titatium weather.
Also check my other OEM Request Thread, most programs will work with VGA and QVGA unless noted in the description.

ShareWare OEM's - w/Trial Period
OEM_C-ApiSRO_v2.0.5 .............................................. C-ApiSRO v2.0.5 XM/Sirius Client (PPCGeeks link)
OEM_ElecontWeather_v1.0.772_VGA............................. Elecont Weather v1.0.772 (OEM Notes)
OEM_palringo_v10.21.08............................................. Palringo IM Client v10/21/08 (oem notes)

OEM_PocketTunes_v4.1.1_VGA..................................... Pocket Tunes v4.1.1 VGA
OEM_resco_bubbles_v1.22........................................... Resco Bubbles v1.22 (game that uses g-sensor)
OEM_RKeyboard_p_v5_21_VGA .................................... Resco Keyboard v5.21 VGA

OEM_sMMS_full_v0.6.3.44593....................................... sMMS v0.6.3.44592 by someguymms (OEM Notes / Additional Skins)
OEM_SpbBackup_v2.0.1............................................... Spb Backup v2.0.1
OEM_Spb_MobileShell_v3.0.0.6362 ............................... Spb Mobile Shell v3.0.0 build 6362 (OEM Notes)
OEM_SpbMobileShell_v3_0_0_6411 ............................... Spb Mobile Shell v3.0.0 build 6411 (OEM Notes)
OEM_SpbFinance2_v2.8.0_VGA_arm............................... Spb Finance v2.8.0 VGA. Today screen disabled in RGU

OEM Skyfire_7927-ppc50_steinard................................. Skyfire build 7927
OEM_SlingPlayerMob_v1.6.0.111_VGA............................. Sling Player Mobile v1.6.0.111

OEM_ThumbCal_v1.2.5_VGA......................................... Thumb Cal v1.2.5 VGA (OEM Notes)

OEM_TouchPal_v3_5_wm6_1_VGA................................. TouchPal v3.5 for winmo 6.1 VGA from Cootek
OEM_TouchPal_v4.0_VGA ............................................ CooTek TouchPal v4.0 VGA Global Edition

OEM_wisbaradv_v3.4c.1_VGA ...................................... LakeRidge WisBar Advance v3.4c build 1 VGA WWEngrish only

FreeWare OEM's

OEM_apptodate .................................................. ..... App to date
OEM_Arcsoft_Sprint_MMS_5_0_69_44........................... ArcSoft Picture Mail v5.0.69.44
OEM_XDA_HTC_CalculatorV2....................................... Calculator from Touch Pro2
OEM_FingerMenu_v1.10.............................................. Finger Menu v1.10 (xda-link - submitted by SOHKis)

OEM_GInvaders_0_7_1............................................... Space Invaders v0.7.1 that uses the G-sensor from the G-alarm folks.
OEM_GInvaders_v0_8_1............................................. Space Invaders v0.8.1
OEM_galarm_v0.9.8.3................................................ G-Alarm v0.9.8.3 w/optional Fruity Skin
OEM_galarm_v1.0.3.................................................. . G-Alarm v1.0.3 (OEM Notes)
OEM_galarm_v1_2_4.................................................. G-Alarm v1.2.4 (OEM Notes)
OEM_galarm_v1.4.................................................. .... G-Alarm v1.4 (OEM Notes)
OEM_galarm_v1.4.6.1................................................ G-Alarm v1.4.6.1
OEM_gwatch_0_5_1 ................................................. G-Watch v0.5.1

OEM_GoogleMaps_v2.3.0.9.......................................... Google Maps v2.3.0.9 (ca. 12/10/0
OEM_GoogleMaps_v3_0_0_2 ....................................... Google Maps v3.0.0.2
OEM_GoogleMaps_v3_0_1_4.rar .................................. Google Maps v3.0.1.4 w/latitude

OEM_htcAddicts_cleanRAM_v1_0_4 ............................. Clean Ram v1.0.4
OEM_htcAddicts_cleanRAM_v1_0_6 ............................. htcAddicts cleanRAM v1.0.6

OEM_hTorch_v3_2 .................................................. . hTorch v3.2 Flashlight
OEM_iContact_v0.92 ................................................. iContact v0.92

OEM_MS_LiveSearch_v3.5.8198.0................................. MS Live Search v2.5.8198.0
OEM_LiveSearch_v4_1_2029_1 ................................... MS Live Search v4.1.2029.0

OEM_NavTetris_v0.1.................................................. NavTetris v0.1 Tetris that uses the scroll wheel and g-sensor. (xda-link)

OEM_Opera_v9.5_Build_15306..................................... Opera v9.5 build 15306 (OEM Notes) (from sprint leaked rom)

OEM PCM_Keyboard v0.14.......................................... PCM Keyboard v0.14
OEM_PCMKeyboardEN-0_22........................................ PCM Keyboard v0.22 (OEM Notes)
OEM_PockeTwit_v0.67 ............................................. Pocket Twitter v0.67 www.twitter.com/rstoyguy
OEM_psShutXP_Power_Key_-_TP ................................ psShutXP mapped to power key

OEM_S2P_v0.58_VGA................................................ Slide 2 Play v0.58 VGA
OEM_S2U2_v1.35_VGA.............................................. Slide 2 Unlock 2 v1.35 VGA
OEM_S2U2-1_40-VGA................................................ Slide 2 Unlock 2 v1.40 VGA
OEM_S2U2-1_44-VGA................................................ Slide 2 Unlock 2 v1.44 VGA
OEM_S2U2-1_45-VGA................................................ S2U2 v1.45 - VGA
OEM_S2U2-1_50-VGA................................................ S2U2 v 1.50 VGA
OEM_S2V_v0.42_VGA................................................ Slide 2 View v0.42 VGA

OEM_SRS_WOWHD_ARM_BT_Fixed................................ SRS Wow HD

OEM_StopWatch_VGA_SETUP...................................... StopWatch VGA 1/19/2009
OEM_TickerTape_v0.5.1............................................. TickerTape v0.5.1 Stock Quote program from xda (xda-link)
OEM_TouchLockPro_v1.8............................................ TouchLock Pro v1.8 (xda-link - submitted by SOHKis)
OEM TouchLockPro_v2.1............................................. TouchLock Pro v2.1

OEM_TouchResponse_v0.3.2....................................... Touch Response v0.3.2 (OEM Notes) (XDA-link)
SIP - PCM Keyboard 0.14............................................ PCM Keyboard v0.14 (OEM notes/author)

OEM_UITweaker .................................................. ..... UI Tweaker v0.5.4.3
OEM_WeatherPanel_v2.5.1_2009a_VGA ........................ Weather Panel v2.5.1 VGA (thread link)

Most regular OEM's will also work on VGA Devices so check out my other thread.
Custom OEM Requests...Get them here!

Files in green are verified as working,
Files in blue are unverified,
Files in orange are user submitted and not tested by me,
Files in Red have issues!?

Disclaimer: I cannot personally test all these, and not all cab's can be oem'd without some trickery. I will do my best to convert and upload as quickly as I can, any issues...search this thread.

*** LET ME KNOW IF THEY DO NOT WORK! That way I can try to fix them.

In Progress:

Needs fix'in:
If this post was helpfull, let me know by clicking Thanks!

Last edited by rstoyguy; 06-13-2009 at 06:50 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2008, 12:41 AM
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Re: Custom VGA OEM Requests ....Get them hier!

Rom OEM's -n- Tidbits
OEM_Badboy8813_Audio_Fix-_(Full_Volume)................................. Audiopara3.csv Replacement for the Diamond
OEM_DiyPDA_InCall_Recorder.rar ............................................... In Call Recorder

OEM_HTC_GPS_Tool_1_2_2_11_VGA........................................... HTC GPS Tool v1.2.2.11 VGA (xda-link from xperia Rom)

HTC_Home_v2.1.1005.722.DirBrightFix_schen_0409VGA.................. HTC Home w/brightness/directory Fix English VGA

OEM Manila_HD.................................................. ..................... Manila HD

OEM_S2A_Compressed.rar .................................................. ...... S2A Compressed

OEM_TF3D_Raph_MobileMatt_FuzeBerry_v5_0_0............................ TF3D w/MobileMatt FuzeBerry Theme (Theme Link) (OEM Notes)

OEM_tsowens_taskbar_VGA_icons............................................... tsowen's Taskbar Icons VGA (OEM Notes w/screenshot)
OEM_tsowentaskbar3_v1.3.................................................. ...... tsowen's Taskbar Icons VGA v3.1.3
OEM_tsowentaskbar5v1_7 .................................................. ...... tsowens Taskbar v5.1.7

OEM_Sprint_Navigation_v2.1.7.................................................. . Sprint Navigation v2.1.7
OEM_TeleNav_5_1_16_signed .................................................. .. TeleNav v 5.1.16

OEM_SprintTV_VGA_v1.6.4.74603_11.19.2008.............................. Sprint TV v1.6.5.74603

OEM_Tachi_v2d_BlackV1 .................................................. ........ Tachi Dialer

Shareware OEM's - w/No Trial

Last edited by rstoyguy; 06-07-2009 at 08:43 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2008, 12:41 AM
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Re: Custom VGA OEM Requests ....Get them hier!

OEM_godzson_TF3D_fonts................................... Twelve (12) TF3D / WinMo Fonts by Godzson (OEM Notes)
Font OEM's: Aaaiight, District, Drafting, Freebooter_Script, Hawkeye, Illegal_editing, My_Underwood, Reprobate, Weltron_Urban, DJ_Gross, Degrassii, and Hand.

OEM_ThickGlassEnvelope ........................................... Manila Mail tab envelope
OEM_Corner_Clock_with_Background_4_All_Tabs ........... Manila Corner Clock w/ background 4 all tabs
OEM_Sprint_Manila_Calendar ...................................... Manila calendar tab

MegaPack OEM's:
OEM_XBmod_VGA_Rhodium_Manila_FIX_V1D .................. Rhodium TF3D2 from my Diamond/Touch Pro Roms w/FuzeBerry II Skin

Today Theme OEM's:
OEM_TodayTheme_HTC_Black........................................HTC Black Today Theme OEM w/.tsk file

zzz_My_Files_Dia_OEM.................................................. Replace email/screencali/password setup screen and other graphics in any rom.

Last edited by rstoyguy; 04-10-2009 at 02:52 AM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2008, 12:42 AM
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Re: Custom VGA OEM Requests ....Get them hier!

Here is a link to the original OEM tutorial:

Here is my updated tutorial:
[TUT] Creating OEM's for your ROMThis tutorial will help you create OEM's for your Roms.

I use Ervias's Package Creator for most of my work. I will also on ocassion use OEMIzer provided with ppckitchen for creating OEM's for program themes, icon packs etc. I find it usefull when needing to add multiple files to a directory other than \windows.

For those not wanting to flash a rom, and install some of these OEM's...Here is a treat!
First I'd like to release a version of neupackageinstaller.zip

neupackageinstaller.zip for non-Flashers...

This archive contains two files.
1. Copy these to \My Documents on your device. They must be in the same directory!
2. Take the OEM you want to install, make it a .zip archive and copy it to the \My Documents directory.
3. Use your favorite file explorer and launch neupackageinstaller.exe.

Note: This is No2Chem's baby, I made the files available for those wanting to use my OEM's and don't want to flash! Pay omage to no2chem, he helped pave the way for us!

Last edited by rstoyguy; 01-08-2009 at 12:58 AM.
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Old 12-03-2008, 12:43 AM
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Re: Custom VGA OEM Requests ....Get them hier!

this is gonna be exciting!!!!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2008, 12:53 AM
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Re: Custom VGA OEM Requests ....Get them hier!

Originally Posted by mightymike View Post
this is gonna be exciting!!!!
Yeah, Maybee I should have waited until I actually get my diamond...
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2008, 01:10 AM
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Re: Custom VGA OEM Requests ....Get them hier!

Originally Posted by rstoyguy View Post
Yeah, Maybee I should have waited until I actually get my diamond...
I really like your style....
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2008, 01:51 AM
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Re: Custom VGA OEM Requests ....Get them hier!

How bout some 3rd party keyboard oems? That ought to keep you busy..
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2008, 02:30 AM
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Re: Custom VGA OEM Requests ....Get them hier!

I'll start out with one OEM I made for the anti-theft cab that I got from http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=36520 thread with original link to XDA site.

I tested on my Diamond and worked really well.
Attached Files
File Type: zip Anti-theft.zip (80.4 KB, 133 views) Click for barcode!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2008, 09:01 AM
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Re: Custom VGA OEM Requests ....Get them hier!

Originally Posted by indagroove View Post
How bout some 3rd party keyboard oems? That ought to keep you busy..
So I was thinking...
Touchpal v3.5
Resco Keyboard v5.11
spb keyboard v4.0

I think those are the big 3. Those ought to help me familiarize myself with the diamond...
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