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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2009, 02:46 PM
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Re: Why does everybody hate Sprint?

They have a bad reputation. For a long time they were looked at (at least in my area) as a second-rate provider only used by people with bad credit.

Their advertising stinks and I think a lot of people follow the whole bandwagon idea where you pile on the unpopular company.

Also, a lot of it has probably got to do with past experiences. Lots of people probably used them 5 or 6 years ago when they weren't so hot and got a bad impression. Sprint didn'd have a lot going in their favor back in the day. They were notoriously bad with customer service and coverage.

That said...in my experience, for the past 4 or 5 years I think they have done a lot to come back. I have used them for a while simply because nobody has been able to beat their prices for me. They also tended to get a lot of the best smartphones first until a couple years ago. Back when the only smartphones were Treos and WM phones, Sprint always had the best choices. It wasn't until the newer Blackberrys and iPhone and such that the other big US carriers had much in the way of popular smartphones. This coincided with the popularization of smartphones in the general public so as far as they are concerned, I think Sprint is the one company that never had a blockbuster device.

I personally use my phone primarily for data and a small amount of voice. I never talk on the phone during weekdays since I am at work so I only have a cheap $29 daytime plan for 200 minutes. My unlimited 3G data package is $15 and a buy a block of texts for $5. In total, my bill is only $50 plus tax which is far lower than any of the other major US carriers would offer me. I considered shopping around 2 years ago when I got my Mogul (thought about a Tilt) but VZW and ATT all told me that if I wanted a smartphone, unlimited data would cost me at least $45. That has fallen a little bit but nobody has come near the $15 rate I get from Sprint.

I get excellent speeds in my area and I am never without signal unless I'm literally in the middle of nowhere (last time was when I was in Yellowstone National Park).

So...if you are a relatively satisfied Sprint customer like me, let's hope the Pre generates enough buzz outside the phone-nerd crowd to turn around their public image and give them a chance to compete. I personally find them to be the least obnoxious of the major US providers when it comes to rates and policies but that doesn't mean much if they can't gain mass appeal.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2009, 02:53 PM
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Re: Why does everybody hate Sprint?

I've had 3 carriers sprint, verizon, at&t, and none of them have been bad. It all depends on your coverage area. Sprint has probably the least dead spots out of the rest, but verizon and at&t weren't horrible. Also some people get brain washed by all the advertising verizon does (can you here me now, etc.). I've had bad customer service reps with every carrier, its just something that sucks and it will always be there. Cheaper wages over seas. Sprint shares cell towers with verizon, so when your roaming you are actually using a verizon tower. As far as plans are concerened sprint has the lowest plans out there. But like i said before it all depends on coverage area!!

my two cents
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2009, 02:53 PM
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Re: Why does everybody hate Sprint?

They have a bad reputation. For a long time they were looked at (at least in my area) as a second-rate provider only used by people with bad credit.

Their advertising stinks and I think a lot of people follow the whole bandwagon idea where you pile on the unpopular company.
You hit the nail on the head there. It's not because of their customer service, because customer service for all cell phone companies equally sucks.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2009, 03:29 PM
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Re: Why does everybody hate Sprint?

a question here for average customer with sprint....who has recieved better customer service in the last 6 month to a year than ever before (overall of course you will always get the one rep that hates his. her life)....i know sprint would love to hear feedback on this bc they have spent much time and money into improving customer service...they realized that was one of their biggest drags bc about 5 years ago they had just about the worst customer service ever and the rep didnt care about leeping customer...now the reps will do almost anything to keep customers which will hopefully help the company bring its reputation up
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2009, 04:18 PM
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Re: Why does everybody hate Sprint?

Originally Posted by xdanimalx View Post
I think the main reason people bash on Sprint who have verizon is because Verizon is more popular than Sprint.
I have NEVER had a problem with Sprint and I will always continue to use their service.

But little do the Verizon fanboys know, their phones are so crippled it's not even funny.
Look at the touch pros for example, compare a Sprint to a Verizon, which would you rather have?
I go with verizon cus im with verizon. Makes no sense dude. And there really is that much of a diffference you know. I have plenty of ram usally 70MB free with tf3d running. Why do you need more. Scott's rom has helped alot and working gps and it makes phone calls WHAT. Also improve audiopara. What more can you ask for it runs fast smooth and makes me warm inside. All that is missing is fm radio in my opnion and i can do anything you can do unless you have something special your hiding let me know. But all in all the same with tweaks and new rom. But again everyone Sprint and Verizon have upgraded from there stock rom. If only we could compare stoock to stock then i would say yes your right. But how many have a stock rom running. Poll time. NONE

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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2009, 04:21 PM
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Re: Why does everybody hate Sprint?

Customer service has been my only complaint ever with Sprint. I use my TPro for tethering since im in BFE but i get Rev A EVDO out here. 2 phones with internet and a 3rd line. one has unlimited vision pack and we share 2500 minutes for 150 a month. If sprint worked on their customer service i have no doubt they could likely pull some customers back that they have lost.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2009, 04:22 PM
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Re: Why does everybody hate Sprint?

Moved to the Carrier Discussion forum.
If you are literally serving shit to American children, or knowingly spinning a wheel where it is not unlikely that you will eventually serve shit – if that’s your business model? Then I got no problems with a jury of your peers wiring your nuts to a car battery and feeding you the accumulated sweepings from the bottom of a monkey cage. In fact, I’ll hold the spoon.” -Ralph Dunlop-
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2009, 04:44 PM
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Re: Why does everybody hate Sprint?

Originally Posted by aldojr80 View Post
I go with verizon cus im with verizon. Makes no sense dude. And there really is that much of a diffference you know. I have plenty of ram usally 70MB free with tf3d running. Why do you need more. Scott's rom has helped alot and working gps and it makes phone calls WHAT. Also improve audiopara. What more can you ask for it runs fast smooth and makes me warm inside. All that is missing is fm radio in my opnion and i can do anything you can do unless you have something special your hiding let me know. But all in all the same with tweaks and new rom. But again everyone Sprint and Verizon have upgraded from there stock rom. If only we could compare stoock to stock then i would say yes your right. But how many have a stock rom running. Poll time. NONE
Right, that all makes sense. Justify your lower RAM device with a custom ROM. I'm sure that would work great if you were trying to sell someone an underpowered Sony Vaio that was actually MORE expensive than a more powerful Dell computer.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2009, 05:13 PM
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Re: Why does everybody hate Sprint?

I like vzw because with 3 lines sharing 1400 minutes and data on one line I run under 125 complete and because of the # of peeps we communicate w/ that are vzw plus the 10 friends/fam thing f well we are working on over 4000 mins, but are not over our 1400 billed mins - that's a fair amount of yackin for the price.

Also, I am not happy w/ the gimping of the vzw pro, but don't think for a minute that any of us vzw folks can forget about it, someone ALWAYS reminds us every time there is an opportunity...
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2009, 05:14 PM
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Re: Why does everybody hate Sprint?

I have had ATT(Cingular), Alltel, T-Mobile, and Sprint. Honestly I have had the best service with sprint. Both in reception and customer service. When I was 18 (with no credit) I tried to get a VZW phone and they wanted a deposit that was almost 2x what it would have been to pay my whole contract in full ahead of time (which they would not let me do). I went with the other providers (no deposit required) and ended up canceling my contracts with them before the 14day money back period. Been with Sprint since 2003 and havent had but one problem that was fixed in 24 hours and I was credited.
2x Sprint Touch Pro
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