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Old 04-09-2010, 05:46 AM
kabuk1's Avatar
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Pocket PC: HD2
Carrier: T-Mobile
Location: Norman OK
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Some T-Mo questions...

I just ordered an HD2 from walmart.com($99!!!) & signed up with T-Mobile. I've had T-mo in the past, but its been about 5 years & I'm wondering if they've changed anything since I've been awol. I've been on my mom's family plan since 08 to save money & I've been really spoiled by paying only $50 a month(it'll go up to $80+tax now). I'm kinda nervous about making this switch, I've always thought that GSM was subpar, and I guess I'm just curious just how much things are gonna change.

1. Is there any way around having the $30 data plan? Is there a way to trick the system into letting me get a standard data plan? Like if I got a flip phone from the pawn shop, stuck my sim in, and went online & changed it to a basic data plan, would they be able to tell when I put my sim back in the HD2?

2. Are there any special discounts(similar to the sprint citigroup discount) or coupon codes that I could take advantage of?

3. To any T-mo users in the Oklahoma metro area- how is the service? Dropped calls, data speeds, etc. I live in Norman & I barely get signal at my house with Sprint, which is one of the reasons I'm switching(that and I'm tired of my tyrannical mother threatening to cancel my line everytime I displease her. Yes, I am 29 & this shit is still an issue). Is the high speed data deployed yet?

I guess thats it for now, thanks in advance. And sorry if any of this has been asked before, I've been digging around for the past few hours for answers & can't find any reliable info.
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Last edited by kabuk1; 04-09-2010 at 06:33 AM.
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