Re: Official BBM PPCGeeks Group
I'll do some recon and see if that expiring barcode is normal behavior or if we did something wrong.
BrennB |
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Re: Official BBM PPCGeeks Group
Thanks a lot and can't wait to get it working. Has to be something we can do b/c the other group thread's code still worked....
Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (Windows Mobile; WCE; Opera Mobi/WMD-50369; U; en) Presto/2.4.13 Version/10.00)
From what I remember the barcode expires in like 2-3 months. I would remove it and then repost the barcode from scratch. Something tells me you have already tried that. But hope it help.
PPC: T-Mobile's G2x // LG-P999 [unlocked & rooted] + CyanogenMod 7.2
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Re: Official BBM PPCGeeks Group
Yeah it was wierd since Courtney had barely posted it but we would get an error saying the invite was already used... I kept thinking our other group worked longer.... so anyway, I tried a repost of the code my phone is giving for the group. Hope it holds! Now we just need some new members to give it a scan!
BTW the scan works for BBM 5 which can be run from any BB even without an OS 5... so upgrade BBMessenger via appworld. OR PM me with your PIN and I can send an invite directly to your phone without the need for scan.. MY Pin: 30bba1b6 PLease put PPCGeeks in the message so I know its a legit add. |
Re: Official BBM PPCGeeks Group
So, it's working now or you need me to do more? Let me know madam
Re: Official BBM PPCGeeks Group
we need someone who is not in the group to scan and join then we know.
Re: Official BBM PPCGeeks Group
who's next? hmmmm, I wonder if mr.x has tried. Let me go find him