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  #2231 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2010, 01:48 PM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [10/04] BATT UPDATES!

You aren't trying to connect to a WEP encrypted network are you? I have a WPA2 wifi network and have no issues connecting to it on the latest release with a RHOD500
  #2232 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2010, 02:01 PM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [10/04] BATT UPDATES!

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
Well the best place to collaborate with the devs is on IRC honestly. But he's not online currently... you can try sending him a PM on here. [ACL] - there's his member info.
  #2233 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2010, 02:25 PM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [10/04] BATT UPDATES!

Originally Posted by twobeaglesjtj View Post
I had already tried the newest kernel you referenced above yesterday and it broke my wifi, made my phone unstable and did not fix the incall issues but I took your advice and just tried it again today..........same issues..........the test kernel build I went back to was, 5_modules- with the corresponding zimage and it worked beautifully, all issues solved.....so something has happened from that test kernel to this final as myself and quite a few others are still having issues on the newest kernel with call issues, no wifi etc....I'm not fussing at all I'm just trying to give information that I hope helps the developers and testers for later builds. I am on Verizon TP2 rhod500.......Thanks again for your support on this...
where can i get , 5_modules- cantfind it anywhere?
  #2234 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2010, 02:38 PM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [10/04] BATT UPDATES!

Same issue as these guys, when i call there is no sound or ringing at all the person can hear me i cant hear them. I have to call them back again.

Originally Posted by twobeaglesjtj
I would definitely appreciate it!!! It does connect and I can hear sometimes but 30-40% of the time, I have to redial the number and then it will work...I have tried it from different areas of the phone such as contacts, favorites, call log etc. but still inconsistent. Clicking on the speaker icon in settings (while in a call) and then clicking it back off does engage the earpiece and I can hear.. but it's a pain..Thanks for your help!!
I'm having the exact same issue with my Rhod500. The phone I'm
calling rings, but I can't hear anything.

I'm using the 9/28 build updated today. My calendar won't launch
anymore, though, so I'm going to remove the data file and stuff.
  #2235 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2010, 04:13 PM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [10/04] BATT UPDATES!

Originally Posted by davidwlam View Post
Same issue as these guys, when i call there is no sound or ringing at all the person can hear me i cant hear them. I have to call them back again.

Originally Posted by twobeaglesjtj
I would definitely appreciate it!!! It does connect and I can hear sometimes but 30-40% of the time, I have to redial the number and then it will work...I have tried it from different areas of the phone such as contacts, favorites, call log etc. but still inconsistent. Clicking on the speaker icon in settings (while in a call) and then clicking it back off does engage the earpiece and I can hear.. but it's a pain..Thanks for your help!!
I'm having the exact same issue with my Rhod500. The phone I'm
calling rings, but I can't hear anything.

I'm using the 9/28 build updated today. My calendar won't launch
anymore, though, so I'm going to remove the data file and stuff.
I'm running into the same issue w/ the calls, on a Rhod400, but if I toggle back and forth between speaker it works. All new dl and update, and it does work if I toggle speaker on and off, just can't guarantee it works without toggling it.
  #2236 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2010, 05:04 PM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [10/04] BATT UPDATES!

Has there been a mic fix somewhere along the way that I missed .. this thread moves so fast I may have missed it. I'm using the 10/4 reference build and still have to do the call voicemail in WinMo and boot haret.exe to get it working.

Thanks guys!

*edit -- nvm, I haven't been using the startup app but I just installed it and configuring now. We'll see how it goes

Last edited by linguini; 10-06-2010 at 05:30 PM.
  #2237 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2010, 05:53 PM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [10/04] BATT UPDATES!

Ok i got three questions i hope somebody can answer them. One why when i charged my phone the back of it gets so hot. Two after my phone has been charged over night the next day the time is 10 min behind the normal time. Third when I plug my phone into the computer using the USB it doesn't show up on the phone or the computer like it used to. I am using the 10-4 kernel from reefer. Thanks
  #2238 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2010, 07:48 PM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [10/04] BATT UPDATES!

I was wondering if someone could also answer my question. I'm currently using a Touch Pro 2 on U.S. Cellular. Does anyone know how to get MMS working for that?

Last edited by Geomancer; 10-06-2010 at 08:53 PM.
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  #2239 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2010, 09:02 PM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [10/04] BATT UPDATES!

Originally Posted by Geomancer View Post
I was wondering if someone could also answer my question. I'm currently using a Touch Pro 2 on U.S. Cellular. Does anyone know how to get MMS working for that?
Check this thread: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/tp2-androi...ml#post1746229
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  #2240 (permalink)  
Old 10-06-2010, 09:04 PM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [10/04] BATT UPDATES!

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
Awesome dude, thank you so much.
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