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  #1291 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2010, 11:28 AM
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Re: [3/6/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]

Originally Posted by lipidfats View Post
is there a place where we can find a list of things working AND not working for the CDMA TP2 Android project? One that's updated and doesn't just say "more."
Check my signature.. it's pretty up to date and if things are missing, it's a wiki so people can update it.
Many of the questions asked over and over are answered here:
Port Status: click here FAQs: Click here
CDMA Dev Thread: Click here
GSM Dev Thread: Click here
Latest Kernel and Module: Click here
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  #1292 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2010, 11:57 AM
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Re: [3/6/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]

Originally Posted by cflynt View Post
I am not aware of this being posted in this thread, but have seen it in others, so to help those not aware of how the buttons work in Android with a TP2:

Top Power button is your Home Key. You will probably get the choice of Home or Home++, you can do away with that screen by selecting the check-box to use as default if I am not mistaken.

Answer key is Answer key

Windows Key is the Menu Key - Activates different options depending on the app you are in.

Back key is Back

End key is your technical power key for Android. Hold down to get a menu for turning off, or just press once to blank screen etc.

Hope that helps!
I didn't know about the top button for home
I've added this to the wiki.
  #1293 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2010, 12:16 PM
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Re: [3/6/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]

Does anyone know how to set the internet browser not to open and stay in landscape mode?Also when I open the Astro file explorer,it said it's expired,anyone knows how to get around this?
  #1294 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2010, 12:43 PM
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Re: [3/6/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]

Originally Posted by explisiv View Post
Im another guy with the mounting error, I tried everything including full format, quick format, winrar, winzip, regular windows xp, sd reader, usb chord and copy start txt from rhodium folder, and the sd can never mount, saying it cant access tty I even tried flashing older roms and newer roms.

I like the idea of getting it working, me and others are having this sd mount error, its not a rare fluke i think its got something to do with drivers maybe because mine is refurbished the sd slot wont mount, but be advised

I flash roms from the sd card and its a 8gb sandisk i usually have all my applications on it so anybody got solutions other then what i have tried already because there is no way im doing this wrong, I made roms before so im no noob to following instructions i made the fox rom for the cdma diamond!
It's possible that these SD errors come not from the formatting of the sd card, but from the partitioning. I've seen cards where instead of a primary partition, there's an extended partition with a logical partition in it. Linux doesn't know where to look to mount the logical partition on boot, so it fails. The solution is to repartition your sd card, but I'm not sure what tool does that. (Also, your issue might be something else. This is just one idea.)

Originally Posted by Maverick_TN View Post
Error Detail:

Running an fsck on the SD Card
dosfsck 3.0.1,  23 Nov 2008,FAT 32 LFN
logical sector size is zero.
mount: mounting /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 on /sdcard failed: Invalid argument
Failed to mount the SD card. Cannot continue.
I know this is a repost, but there was so much posting going on when I posted this yesterday that I feel that it was rapidly overlooked.
Just a few lines before that, there should've been a line saying something like 'mmcblk0: p1' or 'mmcblk0: p1 < p5 >'. If it's the latter, this is the partitioning issue I mentioned. Again, this is just a guess, because I saw it a couple times, and I think it might be more widespread. What does yours say?

Originally Posted by asbestos View Post
Here is a link to a thread on this site that is talking about getting data to work on USCC for a mogul. If I knew how to get my MSID I might be able to get data working (Hey, it sounds logical!)


Anyone else want to see if what is said here makes sense and may be applicable to our situation?
That's part of the puzzle (making sure you've got the right login information). But it seems that people fail to get data working even when they DO have the right login information.

Originally Posted by domnic View Post
Yes I am a us user.who is you service provider your the third person I have heard say they dont have a sim card
Originally Posted by niadek View Post
"US CELLULAR" is my service provider lol - no sim cards... and they apparently handle data a bit differently as it doesnt seem to be working for anyone with us cellular plans... was posting to see if anyone had a workaround yet... but i guess not
It's like a damn Who's on First sketch in here.

Originally Posted by 2kmy477 View Post
Does anyone know how to set the internet browser not to open and stay in landscape mode?Also when I open the Astro file explorer,it said it's expired,anyone knows how to get around this?
Go to Settings -> Sound & Display -> [ ] Orientation and deselect it. The gsensor is too wonky at this point to be useful for that anyway.

The only way to get around astro being expired is to download the latest one from the market (I know, I know)... or maybe get lucky and find someone who's posted the most recent version somewhere other than the market.
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  #1295 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2010, 12:54 PM
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Re: [3/6/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]

Hey guy's just wondering is it possible I can place my android files in it's own folder yet like Sandisk/android/(all android) files. My memory stick is getting a little bit messy with all the android files and a file it produces for each boot.
  #1296 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2010, 12:57 PM
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Re: [3/6/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]

ive dl'd and unziped this thing 3 times and each time i get corrupt file, all the stuff unzips jyst cant launch the thing.
  #1297 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2010, 12:58 PM
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Re: [3/6/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]

Whoa, just realized I've wasted almost half the day in Winmo.

Why would I do such a thing?

...Booting back to android now...
  #1298 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2010, 01:02 PM
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Re: [3/6/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]

Originally Posted by gmaine02 View Post
i cant get on the market all i want from it is the dolphin browser,anyone know another way i can get it?thank you.

also is there a way to get back to homescreen without having to press back a million times?
If you hit the top power button, it should bring back a shortcut to home, and asks you if you want "Home" or "Home+".
  #1299 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2010, 01:02 PM
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Re: [3/6/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]

hey makkonen thanks for all your help
i wanted to ask you, when i try rootfs from http://xdandroid.southcape.org/rootfs/
none of them work, i see you've worked on the latest ones from the commit log. any reason why they don't boot up with civic's build ? for upgrades should i stick to the zimage and modules?
also someone said earlier that we need to change the system.sqsh to get marketplace working but where can i get another one from ? previous builds? can i use the one from the CDMA Touch pro ? last time i tried it on the tp marketplace was working, with the 2 28 build i think.

also as far as getting data on another carrier, (metropcs for me) i see the settings from the vogue forum and i entered them but no changes, is that the RIL issue that wont let it connect to anything else ? or is it because they dont have 3g ? just the slowest internet possible lol
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  #1300 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2010, 01:15 PM
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Re: [3/6/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]

Originally Posted by makkonen View Post
Go to Settings -> Sound & Display -> [ ] Orientation and deselect it. The gsensor is too wonky at this point to be useful for that anyway.
Edit the startup.txt and change the gsensor_axis value to "gsensor_axis=2,1,3"

This got the gsensor working for me...apparently the values before were not initializing it correctly. Or, at least, that's what I gathered from what I read.

Don't forget that button if I helped you out.
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