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  #771 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2010, 09:12 PM
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Re: [2/27/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]

i just noticed in reading the bootup that its intializing bluetooth stuff, has anyone tried bluetooth on this yet? Also, another thing for you slow booters out there, if you have a lot of stuff on your card, for some reason it does something with it. Like I noticed it doing something with pictures I had in DCIM directory, don't know what its doing, but I did notice a slow down because of that... and does anyone have any idea as to why the clock changes everytime I boot?
"This is gonna be tough, real tough, like tough plus more tough, times tough, to the power of tough" Chowder
  #772 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2010, 09:29 PM
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Re: [2/27/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]

ok, so here's a weird one for ya, wifi is working(I think), yet when i try to sign into my google account it says it can't establish a reliable data connection to the internet. Anyone else get this at all? Running a cheapy belkin router with wpa/2 it connected and got an address, shows the icon, im about 10 ft from direct site of my router, if that far. and connection says excellent
  #773 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2010, 09:40 PM
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Re: [2/27/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]

now even more odd, my browser crashes immediately upon opening, but I was successfully able to add my gmail account to the email section and send and receive test emails. This is really weird, but depressing because I want to test the browser.
  #774 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2010, 09:45 PM
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Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.7 (WindowsMobile; PPC; Opera Mobi/35267; U; en; Presto/2.1.1))

just loaded up the newest update that Civic posted. Definitely impressed with this update. Much faster and I am loving the wifi. Loaded up my exchange account and it worked perfect. As soon as 3G is working im sold.. any other update after that will be a bonus to me. Again thanks to the devs, great progress. Keep up the good work!
  #775 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2010, 10:21 PM
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Re: [2/27/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]

Originally Posted by effortless View Post
Have you verified it? I tried it and it doesn't work I would switch my home router to use WPA but I have 2 TIVOs that can only do WEP so I'm reluctant to do so.
  #776 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2010, 10:25 PM
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Re: [2/27/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]

Originally Posted by ndno View Post
Have you verified it? I tried it and it doesn't work I would switch my home router to use WPA but I have 2 TIVOs that can only do WEP so I'm reluctant to do so.

Im in the same boat your in man. I have my router set to use WEP but if i changed it to WPA somethings wont work. SO im stuck... Have you tried to look around an see if anything else works? Ive been on here all day trying to make it happen. Were sooo close damn WPA people haha
  #777 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2010, 10:27 PM
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Wirelessly posted (TP2 Biznitch: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.1; en-us; XDANDROID Build/ERD72) AppleWebKit/530.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/530.17)

Anyone have a good digital clock widget? Please post if you do. Thanks
  #778 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2010, 10:30 PM
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Re: [2/27/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]

This build is great. Unfortunately I cannot bring myself to use android for more than a couple of minutes due to the SMS issue...I wouldnt mind if android SMS's just were not working. However, that is not the case. Currently if you "receive" an sms message when you are in android you will never see that text message. Even once you boot back into windows it will be like it was never sent. To test what im talking about boot into android and have a friend send you a text message. You will never see that text message, nor will you be informed in anyway that a text message was lost.

So for me, the SMS issue is the next biggest hurdle.
  #779 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2010, 10:48 PM
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Re: [2/27/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]

Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
ok, so here's a weird one for ya, wifi is working(I think), yet when i try to sign into my google account it says it can't establish a reliable data connection to the internet. Anyone else get this at all? Running a cheapy belkin router with wpa/2 it connected and got an address, shows the icon, im about 10 ft from direct site of my router, if that far. and connection says excellent
try backing out then go to browser then sign in on google.com and your good to go.
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  #780 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2010, 10:59 PM
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Re: [2/27/2010] Google Android for TP2 CDMA [In Dev]

Originally Posted by Airhead315 View Post
This build is great. Unfortunately I cannot bring myself to use android for more than a couple of minutes due to the SMS issue...I wouldnt mind if android SMS's just were not working. However, that is not the case. Currently if you "receive" an sms message when you are in android you will never see that text message. Even once you boot back into windows it will be like it was never sent. To test what im talking about boot into android and have a friend send you a text message. You will never see that text message, nor will you be informed in anyway that a text message was lost.

So for me, the SMS issue is the next biggest hurdle.
Turn on 'Airplane mode' in Android and your issue will be solved. Doing so will make it so that your texts won't be delivered until you get back into WinMo and airplane mode is turned back off, thereby re-enabling the radio
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