Originally Posted by makkonen
If someone wants to take up cleaning up and bringing the Android on HTC wiki up to date, that's noble... I feel like it fell by the wayside a long time ago. There's so much data on all these ports in so many different places, it's exhausting. (there's the xda-devs wiki, the android on htc wiki, the androidhtc wiki at sourceforge, the wave, the xdandroid and android on diamond threads at xda-devs... I could go on.)
Hosting builds is a very useful service, and probably the only hosting that needs to be offered. Gitorious doesn't fill that niche. Glemsom's site has the kernels covered, and Stinebd has just made an autobuild site for the rootfs (I assume those aren't much use for rhod400 at this point, if 95-civic has his own changes in the rootfs), but it is nice to be able to wrap up whole device-specific packages.
With all the wiki's and waves and sourceforge pages, which place has the highest potential of remaining as a one-stop source for information on the Android port?
Based on what makes the most sense to me, I would suggest that the "AndroidOnHTC" wiki be the central place for everything Android on all HTC devices. It seems to be the most logical central storage for all information regarding status, FAQ's, guide's, how-to's, and everything else.
If you wouldn't mind makkonen, could you actually include links to all existing Android for TP2 related resources for everyone following this thread. I would like to see where everything stands and maybe help in the efforts of consolidating all the fragmented information.
And finally, as for hosting, I am more than willing to offer up any additional storage space I have for hosting compiled builds (I've got probably close to a TB at this point just sitting out there in cyberspace). This goes not only for the CDMA TP2, but ALL Android builds for every HTC device. I am even willing to pay for a domain name if it helps, although it would be just as easy if whoever is controlling "androidonhtc.com" could just provide me with a subdomain such as "builds.androidonhtc.com" or "files.androidonhtc.com" for nice pretty linking purposes.
It would be nice to see things get more organized, and with all the help being offered, it should be possible to coordinate something. If each person who offered up help just took a small chunk of the total responsibility (such as updating just 1 page of a wiki), things could be improved really quickly.
Anyways, hopefully we hear something back from those working on this port soon.