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  #121 (permalink)  
Old 07-22-2011, 12:05 AM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!

Originally Posted by kcwebmonkey View Post
hmm i guess i'm not sure what frx07 is exactly then... i thought it would be a release package which would include the latest and greatest up until now?
FRX07 is the stable latest and greatest, for paint-by-numbers noobs like myself. My understanding is the new routing stuff is still not ready for primetime. As much support as arrggh and others provide for the most stable XDAndroid stuff, imagine what this thread would be with every cutting-edge alpha side-project included
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  #122 (permalink)  
Old 07-22-2011, 12:35 AM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!

Originally Posted by fortunzfavor View Post
FRX07 is the stable latest and greatest, for paint-by-numbers noobs like myself. My understanding is the new routing stuff is still not ready for primetime. As much support as arrggh and others provide for the most stable XDAndroid stuff, imagine what this thread would be with every cutting-edge alpha side-project included
This ^^.

FRX07 is the latest stuff, from the autobuild. I never, ever include any components that are still "in testing". Sure there's bugs in production so-to-speak, but we try to fix those quickly .

The new audio routing is definitely not ready yet. It seems like the new keyboard backlighting isn't perfected yet either, but that's not as critical as buggy audio routing...
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  #123 (permalink)  
Old 07-22-2011, 01:10 AM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!

So I have been using this for a few days and I have been noticing that when someone calls the call screen doesn't show up. I tried unlocking the phone while someone was calling but it never seemed to load fast enough to pick up the call. Is there some setting I have wrong?

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  #124 (permalink)  
Old 07-22-2011, 06:36 AM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!

Any way to make angry bird ( game ) working on this build..
does it supports SKYPE / YAHOO video call ??
Current ROM: EnergyROM 29022
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  #125 (permalink)  
Old 07-22-2011, 09:25 AM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!

Originally Posted by parthew View Post
So I have been using this for a few days and I have been noticing that when someone calls the call screen doesn't show up. I tried unlocking the phone while someone was calling but it never seemed to load fast enough to pick up the call. Is there some setting I have wrong?

Happens to me all the damned time. Such is life in the world of Android on our devices currently... Sometimes I've had the phone wake up immediately and be right on the answer call screen... other times the Phone.apk application just decides it doesn't feel like working properly - it'll ring & vibrate no problem but I won't see the answer call screen come up even close to 'in time' to answer. I don't know why the drastic differences, but when in the UI sometimes it's really snappy, other times it seems to just sit there and hang... thinking...

I'm wondering if it's just background processes running and this tired old phone's processor can't handle all the crap going on in the background... I'm pretty sure there's some metrics within the Android system to tell Android when to start freeing up memory - I don't know if our port has that set to a default value, or if it's been tweaked but perhaps we should try to tweak it further..

Someone suggested the above to me, and it seems like a great idea, just so long as you don't set the values so ridiculous that it just starts killing stuff that it shouldn't. I can't remember where the settings are tho, d'oh.

Originally Posted by cutecool View Post
Any way to make angry bird ( game ) working on this build..
does it supports SKYPE / YAHOO video call ??
There's some Angry Birds lite version or some such garbage - but the game requires OpenGLES2.0 which our devices will never support (hardware limitation). Go complain to the developers of that awful game, not us...

I don't see how Skype or Yahoo video calling would work without a front-facing cam.
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  #126 (permalink)  
Old 07-22-2011, 02:46 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!

Yeah, the phone is the only problem that I have right now, other than that, it's just great build, solid, thanks a lot. Especially the sim card part. I didn't test that thoroughly, but I remember that for USB tethering in WM, the sim card should be there, but for Fx06, the sim card should not. Now I don't need to worry.
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  #127 (permalink)  
Old 07-22-2011, 04:41 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
Happens to me all the damned time. Such is life in the world of Android on our devices currently... Sometimes I've had the phone wake up immediately and be right on the answer call screen... other times the Phone.apk application just decides it doesn't feel like working properly - it'll ring & vibrate no problem but I won't see the answer call screen come up even close to 'in time' to answer. I don't know why the drastic differences, but when in the UI sometimes it's really snappy, other times it seems to just sit there and hang... thinking...

I'm wondering if it's just background processes running and this tired old phone's processor can't handle all the crap going on in the background... I'm pretty sure there's some metrics within the Android system to tell Android when to start freeing up memory - I don't know if our port has that set to a default value, or if it's been tweaked but perhaps we should try to tweak it further..

Someone suggested the above to me, and it seems like a great idea, just so long as you don't set the values so ridiculous that it just starts killing stuff that it shouldn't. I can't remember where the settings are tho, d'oh.
The low-memory killer settings are setup in /init.rc. They definitely need to be tuned. I'm hearing that the G1 guys have finally got these well-tuned on their GB builds, it's absolutely crucial given the tiny RAM there.
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  #128 (permalink)  
Old 07-22-2011, 08:02 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!

Originally Posted by ctiger View Post
Yeah, the phone is the only problem that I have right now, other than that, it's just great build, solid, thanks a lot. Especially the sim card part. I didn't test that thoroughly, but I remember that for USB tethering in WM, the sim card should be there, but for Fx06, the sim card should not. Now I don't need to worry.
USB tethering in WinMo requires the SIM...? Noes... the SIM is only required for roaming on a GSM network, or y'know using it on a GSM network in general. If you're tethering on Sprint's service, there's no need for the SIM whatsoever.

Originally Posted by highlandsun View Post
The low-memory killer settings are setup in /init.rc. They definitely need to be tuned. I'm hearing that the G1 guys have finally got these well-tuned on their GB builds, it's absolutely crucial given the tiny RAM there.
Have you messed with them at all on our builds/devices? Curious if we have sub-optimal settings here...

We have more RAM, but it's still an issue - we don't have a ton more .
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  #129 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2011, 10:56 AM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post

There's some Angry Birds lite version or some such garbage - but the game requires OpenGLES2.0 which our devices will never support (hardware limitation). Go complain to the developers of that awful game, not us...

I don't see how Skype or Yahoo video calling would work without a front-facing cam.
hmm, thanx for the info bro abt game

hey but skype n yahoo uses rare(back) camera to work with video call.. i have tested tat on SGS
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  #130 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2011, 12:46 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!

All 3 Angry birds work great for me, have for months, all builds. Are you OCing?
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