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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 04-10-2011, 03:22 PM
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Re: [TESTING] SCBS: Improved battery meter system

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
I had a lockup condition exactly like this today as well - phone wasn't hot, LED blinking green... all the lights worked (4-button lights & kbd lights) so kernel was *somewhat*awake... But nothing would get the phone to actually turn on. Phone was on the charger all night.
Yep, exactly like yours. Buttons and keys continue to work. That's the only problem I've seen so far (and maybe the wifi, I need to double check). Been running this kernel for the last 4 days without any SOD or reboot to WinMo.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 04-10-2011, 08:13 PM
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Re: [TESTING] SCBS: Improved battery meter system

Originally Posted by jonpry View Post

Your new model looks good. There is a new kernel and rootfs.img i have uploaded. Need both at the same time, neither are backwards compatible. It will make some attempt to determine se=. right now it is just at the default. I think this will improve sleep accuracy, se should be within 0 - .008

Did you download the modules .tar.gz from the first post? That will be necessary to get working wifi. If its still not working post a dmesg from when you try to enable wifi. Works on my phone, just a module problem one way or another.
OK, I just downloaded the files from your first post and they are the same as before (I mean the same as the time you first started this thread). So I already have the latest. You mentioned a "new kernel and rootfs.img" but they look the same as those from the time this thread started. When were these uploaded?

I'm going to test the wifi now and post the dmesg for you.

EDIT: OK, it looks like the kernel you have in the first post has a different "version" than the modules you posted. I ran the "lsmod" command and it shows no modules loaded, meaning the broadcom module for the wifi hardware is not loaded. I did some further investigation:

# uname -a
uname -a
Linux localhost #167 PREEMPT Wed Apr 6 11:36:31 AST 2011 armv6l GNU/Linux
However the modules you have in the first post is modules-, which has build 1300, not 1301. Will the broadcom module load if the kernel has a different build than the modules?

I tried to force the wifi hardware load as follows:
# cd /lib/modules/ # it goes to /data/modules
# insmod bcm4329.ko
insmod bcm4329.ko
insmod: can't insert 'bcm4329.ko': invalid module format
The dmesg has the follow error:
[ 6778.379180] bcm4329: version magic ' preempt mod_unload ARMv6 ' should be ' preempt mod_unload ARMv6 '
So it seems like the modules and zImage in the first post don't play nice with either other due to the different build number. Can you post the modules*.tar.gz file for build 1301? Thanks.

Last edited by ndno; 04-10-2011 at 08:59 PM.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 04-10-2011, 10:45 PM
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Re: [TESTING] SCBS: Improved battery meter system

How are you checking that the files are the same as they used to be? Definitely uploaded new stuff. When you run the app it should say scbs version 0.4.a. I will upload a new modules tar shortly and update this post. I thought it would work as long as the git commit was the same id.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 04-10-2011, 10:51 PM
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Originally Posted by jonpry View Post
How are you checking that the files are the same as they used to be? Definitely uploaded new stuff. When you run the app it should say scbs version 0.4.a. I will upload a new modules tar shortly and update this post. I thought it would work as long as the git commit was the same id.
Sorry if I'm incorrectly downloading the files. I just use "diff" under Ubuntu to check if they are the same files as the ones I already have on my SD card and they are. I'll try again.

Edit: OK, I have 0.3.d as the version which is old. Is this from the kernel, modules, or rootfs? I will replace the ones on my SD card with the new ones downloaded from the first post.

Sent from my FRX06-ized TP2 using Tapatalk

Edit2: Ok, my rootfs.img was old so I replaced it and now the version is 0.4.a (the only difference was the scbs binary executable). My zImage and modules I have on my SD card are exactly from the first post; the broadcom module won't load as I stated in my last post, even if I forced it via the insmod command.

Last edited by ndno; 04-11-2011 at 05:02 AM.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 04-11-2011, 12:00 PM
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Re: [TESTING] SCBS: Improved battery meter system

I spent like an hour trying to edit the first post and it just won't commit for me. Urgh. Here is a link to the new modules.

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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 04-11-2011, 12:15 PM
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Re: [TESTING] SCBS: Improved battery meter system

Originally Posted by jonpry View Post
I spent like an hour trying to edit the first post and it just won't commit for me. Urgh. Here is a link to the new modules.

I'm not sure what's up with ppcg, but "Quick Edit" doesn't work. Hit "Go Advanced", make your edit, "Save Changes" -> should be good .
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 04-11-2011, 01:02 PM
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Re: [TESTING] SCBS: Improved battery meter system

Originally Posted by jonpry View Post
I spent like an hour trying to edit the first post and it just won't commit for me. Urgh. Here is a link to the new modules.

Thanks jonpry! Wifi works like a champ now with the new modules.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 04-11-2011, 11:30 PM
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Re: [TESTING] SCBS: Improved battery meter system


Do you have any logs generated from the new kernel and 0.4.a combination that you can run an analysis on and tell us the results, specifically the se=.

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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 04-12-2011, 12:04 AM
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Re: [TESTING] SCBS: Improved battery meter system

Originally Posted by jonpry View Post

Do you have any logs generated from the new kernel and 0.4.a combination that you can run an analysis on and tell us the results, specifically the se=.

I will attach my latest scbs.log tomorrow; let me get one more charge/discharge cycle in before I post it for you; I'll post the values for you tomorrow. I only started the combination this morning.

Last edited by ndno; 04-12-2011 at 12:13 AM.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 04-12-2011, 04:01 PM
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Re: [TESTING] SCBS: Improved battery meter system


So I had all of yesteday and overnight to gather some more data for the scbs.log(s). Attached is a rar of the 3 scbs*.logs. I tried 3 hours today to run the analysis and it won't stop. At one point, I had it running for 90 minutes and it still didn't finish. Not sure why. I was able to do my previous analysis within 30 minutes. So I'm stuck with my previous values (which was obtained 2 days ago with the latest kernel and older SCBS (0.3.d or something like that)).

EDIT: Not sure what's going on but my TP2 keeps going to sleep after a couple minutes even when I set the display timeout to 30 minutes (so that I can run the analysis without it going to sleep). Hmmm... something's not right with my phone.
Attached Files
File Type: rar scbs.log.rar (357.6 KB, 3 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by ndno; 04-12-2011 at 08:05 PM.
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