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  #601 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2011, 08:18 AM
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Dayum...3.31 is smoking! This is by far the most stable one for me. I've had ZERO random rebootz. And battery performance is great. F'n awesome!

Sent from my FRX06-pimped TP2

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  #602 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2011, 01:54 PM
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Re: [TESTING] Updated 3/31/11 New Kernel - Portrait mode on boot!

Originally Posted by mburman View Post
Also... and I think this applies to all current kernels but I haven't read anyone making a note of it, other than turning it on, the screen only wakes up on incomming phone calls... not on sms or calendar alerts...
I think this is expected behavior - kinda drove me nuts how often the screen turned on in WinMo (seemed to turn on for almost any reason in WinMo, even changing cell towers seemed to wake the screen in WinMo) and in Android it seems to only wake for calls - again, I think this is a feature so you don't end up doing things on the screen when you receive a sms or calendar alert - I personally like it .

Interesting to note, I believe the screen does wake on normal alarm alerts...

Originally Posted by ndno View Post
I can "tell" a difference when using FRX06 against Cherry Pie if not OCing. I can run Cherry Pie without OCing and it will be just as smooth as FRX06 OCing at 650Mhz+. On the benchmark (quadrant), Cherry Pie is around 40-50 points better when both are running at stock speed. Not a big difference. As you mentioned before, it's most likely not using the latest HD graphics implementation as FRX06 is; I believe tiad8's Froyo X builds were like Cherry Pie and hence seem to be a little faster in response and slightly more smooth. But stability is a big concern with those builds and Cherry Pie so I'm going back to FRX06 Was just trying different builds.
Yea, MDPI I think is the reason it feels snappier. I've noticed Launcher2 is kinda a drag too, I've noticed the aftermarket launchers are smoother - been liking ADW EX (this version is paid) recently.

Originally Posted by Counterfeit View Post
When I'm in landscape mode and I press one of the four hard keys they flash quickly about four times. The end key does not cause them to flash. When I slide my keyboard back they all light up solid and in portrait mode work perfectly, sans end key.
Yea, the end key is different and I guess it's going to have to wait until userland has a hook for it. Userland should handle it anyways, and getting it to work in kernel only is going to involve some hackish methods that aren't going to fly .

So, for now we have button lights - partially. Not sure how long before userland tweaks are done.

Originally Posted by fishingmedic View Post
Been running the 3/11/11 kernel now since release and no new issues, with improvements in the others. Still getting the stuck key, can't tell if it's much better, maybe a little, but it's no biggee. I've noticed the last couple occasionally stop typing with the hard kb and I need to close it and reopen it to type again, nothing else seems to work. Loving the new lights too. Getting fewer and fewer failed wakes, had another this morning even using Highlandsun's latest RIL, but they are clearly getting fewer and farther between.

Edit: And hopefully I don't curse myself, but haven't had a reboot since 3/30 kernel!
Glad it's working well for you... Because I have yet another, even better kernel for wakes. WisTilt2 said he found an irq set wrong that was related to the tssc - touchscreen basically - that's why touching the screen would cause it to wake... New kernel up, w00t!
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  #603 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2011, 03:01 PM
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Awesome, downloading now.

Sent from my MSM using Tapatalk


= <3
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  #604 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2011, 06:04 PM
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Originally Posted by ndno View Post
Wow, really? Arrrghhh, I'm pretty sure there are important modules that need to get loaded with the kernel in modules*.tar.gz for specific devices to work, correct? jandyman, your method may prevent the sluggish problem but it'll break other stuff like devices that need the modules to be loaded before they can function properly. I really like Huawei Cherry Pie build but it seems to be not that too stable (constant reboots to Android); I can use the camera but the darn build won't save the pictures anywhere; the black theme is awesome and the speed is awesome also, I was running at stock speed and constantly getting 540-570 on quadrant (yep, no OC); I may have to abandon it due to stability issues. Gonna fix my SD and see if Cherry Pie runs better without all the aforementioned problems; otherwise, it's back to old reliable FRX06.
Yeah as arrghh said, not including modules cause few adverse effects besides that wifi won't work, and when bluetooth is implemented to useland the modules will be needed for that too but atm . . It isn't a major loass if your a 3g user.

Also my main reason for using cherry pie is because I find I can underclock it to 460 and still have little or no lag! this saves battery which has been a major problem for me. And so far its the only build which can be underclocked and still be smooth. (I oc in startup.txt then use setfpu to underclock, I can then oc clock it temporarily if I need to do something lik backups/restoring/first boot setup, which id want to speed up.

BOT: So far I havnt had any negative things to report from this kernal which arnt RIL related
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  #605 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2011, 10:32 PM
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Re: [TESTING] Updated 4/2/11 New Kernel - *Hopefully* failed wakes fixed!

4.2 kernel so far is just like the last one...excellent. No random reboots...in fact, my only issue with last kernel was AB Rio would crash every so often. Not at all with this one. Very sweet.
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  #606 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2011, 11:16 PM
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Re: [TESTING] Updated 4/2/11 New Kernel - *Hopefully* failed wakes fixed!

This last kernel fix the no signal when waking up in cdma/gsm phones?
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  #607 (permalink)  
Old 04-03-2011, 12:02 AM
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Re: [TESTING] Updated 4/2/11 New Kernel - *Hopefully* failed wakes fixed!

Originally Posted by Guerralenta View Post
This last kernel fix the no signal when waking up in cdma/gsm phones?
No, I have a RIL tho for you to test - hop on IRC if you wish, or shoot me a PM if you're interested.
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  #608 (permalink)  
Old 04-03-2011, 12:54 PM
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Re: [TESTING] Updated 4/2/11 New Kernel - *Hopefully* failed wakes fixed!

I've been running this kernel since last night. Here's some feedback if you want it:

  • Had one reset to WM this morning. I think it was when a text came in, probably RIL related.
  • Keyboard backlighting seems to be perfect. Same for front 4 keys.
  • Keyboard stuck key problem still occurs - happened on the very first test sentence I typed.
  • This kernel is recognizing stylus events (removing / inserting stylus) which is good, but unfortunately the behavior is bad. When the stylus is removed it switches the device to landscape, and when inserted switches to portrait. Perhaps it is triggering the same routine as opening the keyboard? If removing the stylus merely turned the device on (which it already does, but it also switches to landscape) then it'd be perfect.
  • Auto backlight behavior seems to be better. The screen would not brighten nearly enough on auto with FRX05, but it does with this new kernel. So that seems to be an improvement.
  • Sleeping has been working good.
  • Anecdotally, battery life seems to be a little less, but that is impossible to judge without actual tests.
Seeing the flashing LED really makes me wish normal LED notifications were working. Perhaps a hybrid sleep indicator / message indicator could be implemented? Like if the device is in deep sleep, then no LED is on at all. If it is trying to enter deep sleep then it flashes red. Messages would flash green.

Now for a rant. Why in the world did HTC stick a crappy bicolor LED in this phone instead of a tricolor RGB LED????? That must have saved them all of 5 cents to skimp on that. If we had an RGB LED then there would be many options available for kernel / sleep debugging because so many other colors would be available.
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  #609 (permalink)  
Old 04-03-2011, 01:08 PM
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Re: [TESTING] Updated 4/2/11 New Kernel - *Hopefully* failed wakes fixed!

Originally Posted by oisact View Post
  • This kernel is recognizing stylus events (removing / inserting stylus) which is good, but unfortunately the behavior is bad. When the stylus is removed it switches the device to landscape, and when inserted switches to portrait. Perhaps it is triggering the same routine as opening the keyboard? If removing the stylus merely turned the device on (which it already does, but it also switches to landscape) then it'd be perfect.
Now for a rant. Why in the world did HTC stick a crappy bicolor LED in this phone instead of a tricolor RGB LED????? That must have saved them all of 5 cents to skimp on that. If we had an RGB LED then there would be many options available for kernel / sleep debugging because so many other colors would be available.
Thanks for bringing that up. I never use the stylus but mine works just as you say.

Just had a reset back to Android and then back to Windows..was browsing these forums on Tapatalk Pro and followed a link to PPCGeeks that opened up an Opera Mini browser. Pressed the hard back key and it froze, screen went black and a "_" flashed in the very upper left of it and then the flying 'Droids began their painting dance. Otherwise quite stable.

And yes, why wouldn't they add a RGB LED? I mean come on..seeing my friend's BlackBerries do a rainbow LED when receiving a text makes me jealous at the notification possibilities. Ah well.

Last edited by Counterfeit; 04-03-2011 at 04:17 PM.
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  #610 (permalink)  
Old 04-03-2011, 04:33 PM
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Re: [TESTING] Updated 4/2/11 New Kernel - *Hopefully* failed wakes fixed!

I put this one through the ringer for the past day and I have to say this is amazing. I have not had 1 single failed wake since I started using it! I have the same behavior with stylus events but thats no biggie

thanks wistilt2 you are the man!
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