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  #291 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2011, 11:11 AM
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Re: [TESTING] Updated 2/20/11 New Kernel - INSTA-sleep and INSTA-wake!!

Originally Posted by odz View Post
With the 2/20/11 kernel im getting a reboot with skype as soon as the call ends. Im not sure if this is a general issue since this is the first sdcard kernel I've tested in a lonnnngg time.
Not sure, don't use skype. Reboots to WinMo are all over the board, anything from a bad SD card to something choking in the system image to a kernel panic because the battery code decided to divide by 0...

There's probably other reasons the phone reboots as well, lots of kinks to iron out. Not to mention one-offs like a particular app like this!! All I can say is test it with an autobuild kernel, and see if it still happens.

Honestly I really only care about testing in this thread. Testing what WisTilt2 has changed. If he hasn't changed it, I probably don't care about the feedback on it, as in the grand scheme of things it really doesn't matter - not trying to be mean, just that's how it is, this thread/kernel is for testing, and testing the specific things that have been changed .

Seems like everyone else has had good reports. I've been tracking usage while the phone is sleeping overnight, and I'm getting as low as .5%/hr drain in sleep, with all sync clocksync etc enabled. I don't sync 15 accounts, but hey, that's pretty freakin impressive.

Some of the RHOD100/AUO folk seem to be having a great experience at first, and then just slews of SoD's. Let me know if anyone else runs into that, I certainly haven't...
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  #292 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2011, 12:48 PM
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Just had a lock up, went to disable wifi using an onoff widget, it shut down and then just froze. Ended up having to reset and reboot. Ill load up the file when I get to my pc.

Edit: Just added my initial log file, but just had another "true" SOD, green light stayed on, couldn't do anything other than reboot back to winmo. So I'll leave this log file for now and when I reboot back I'll add the log file for the actual SOD. Is there anyway to attach the file here while in android, i.e. using tapatalk or any other way? maybe via browser?

sent from my FRX04 using Tapatalk
Attached Files
File Type: gz SYSTEM_LAST_KMSG@1298392340790.txt.gz (12.0 KB, 5 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by fishingmedic; 02-22-2011 at 02:21 PM. Reason: added file
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  #293 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2011, 03:22 PM
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Re: [TESTING] Updated 2/20/11 New Kernel - INSTA-sleep and INSTA-wake!!

Originally Posted by odz View Post
With the 2/20/11 kernel im getting a reboot with skype as soon as the call ends. Im not sure if this is a general issue since this is the first sdcard kernel I've tested in a lonnnngg time.
Not sure where you got the skype app but if you're using the one I posted on Tiad8's thread, it was meant for an EVO. So I doubt if it would work "totally without issues".
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  #294 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2011, 03:27 PM
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Re: [TESTING] Updated 2/20/11 New Kernel - INSTA-sleep and INSTA-wake!!

Originally Posted by fishingmedic View Post
Just had a lock up, went to disable wifi using an onoff widget, it shut down and then just froze. Ended up having to reset and reboot. Ill load up the file when I get to my pc.

Edit: Just added my initial log file, but just had another "true" SOD, green light stayed on, couldn't do anything other than reboot back to winmo. So I'll leave this log file for now and when I reboot back I'll add the log file for the actual SOD. Is there anyway to attach the file here while in android, i.e. using tapatalk or any other way? maybe via browser?

sent from my FRX04 using Tapatalk
The log shows problems in the kernel processing area related to the SD card driver, so it seems like there may be issues with your SD card. I'm just guessing based on the kernel messages so arrrghhh and his team should have a look at it.
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  #295 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2011, 03:32 PM
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Re: [TESTING] Updated 2/20/11 New Kernel - INSTA-sleep and INSTA-wake!!

Originally Posted by ndno View Post
The log shows problems in the kernel processing area related to the SD card driver, so it seems like there may be issues with your SD card. I'm just guessing based on the kernel messages so arrrghhh and his team should have a look at it.
It would be par for the course... I was having a lot of issues on earlier builds w/ an 8G class 8 card so I picked up the 8G from Newegg that you posted a link to and that's what I'm using now. I'll wait to see what Arrrghhh says and recommends and go from there. I'm going to up the most recent one which was a "true" SOD rather than the screen just freezing. I'll get that up shortly so everyone can take a look at that and compare them w/ the others.

Last edited by fishingmedic; 02-22-2011 at 03:40 PM.
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  #296 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2011, 03:41 PM
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Re: [TESTING] Updated 2/20/11 New Kernel - INSTA-sleep and INSTA-wake!!

Originally Posted by fishingmedic View Post
It would be par for the course... I was having a lot of issues on earlier builds w/ an 8G class 8 card so I picked up the 8G from Newegg that you posted a link to and that's what I'm using now. I'll wait to see what Arrrghhh says and recommends and go from there. I'm going to up the most recent one which was a "true" SOD rather than the screen just freezing. I'll get that up shortly so everyone can take a look at that and compare them w/ the others.

[33824.344818] mmc0: card 0001 removed
The system seems to have lost communication with your card, and pulled it. Not saying you pulled it, but the system couldn't find it and considered it removed...

LOL your second log just had a long list of these:
[ 6198.427185] active wake lock <NULL>
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  #297 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2011, 03:46 PM
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Re: [TESTING] Updated 2/20/11 New Kernel - INSTA-sleep and INSTA-wake!!

Originally Posted by fishingmedic View Post
It would be par for the course... I was having a lot of issues on earlier builds w/ an 8G class 8 card so I picked up the 8G from Newegg that you posted a link to and that's what I'm using now. I'll wait to see what Arrrghhh says and recommends and go from there. I'm going to up the most recent one which was a "true" SOD rather than the screen just freezing. I'll get that up shortly so everyone can take a look at that and compare them w/ the others.
I feel bad for recommending that now. Just thought it was a great deal; it may still be a great card, not just great for Android use. I'm using a A-data 8GB Class 6 that never seems to have issues (knock-on-wood). At one point I had 6 Android distributions on it without ever reformatting and I still didn't have issues. Yeah, the new log does look like a "wake" issue.
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  #298 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2011, 03:47 PM
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Re: [TESTING] Updated 2/20/11 New Kernel - INSTA-sleep and INSTA-wake!!

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post

[33824.344818] mmc0: card 0001 removed
The system seems to have lost communication with your card, and pulled it. Not saying you pulled it, but the system couldn't find it and considered it removed...

LOL your second log just had a long list of these:
[ 6198.427185] active wake lock <NULL>
Could the first one have happened because I shut off wifi and then it happened, come to think of it, it's the second time that happened. I wonder if something go borked when the phonewent from using wifi to trying to connect to data (If not, don't mind me, I'm just an idiot babbling).
the logs I'm grabbing appear to have a time on them which is close to when I boot back into android from winmo, not neccesarily when the "incident" occurred. Is that correct, or should I be looking for a different log?
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  #299 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2011, 04:03 PM
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Re: [TESTING] Updated 2/20/11 New Kernel - INSTA-sleep and INSTA-wake!!

Originally Posted by fishingmedic View Post
Could the first one have happened because I shut off wifi and then it happened, come to think of it, it's the second time that happened. I wonder if something go borked when the phonewent from using wifi to trying to connect to data (If not, don't mind me, I'm just an idiot babbling).
the logs I'm grabbing appear to have a time on them which is close to when I boot back into android from winmo, not neccesarily when the "incident" occurred. Is that correct, or should I be looking for a different log?
It's kinda hard to locate which log is which, but they are in numerical order basically - last lost numerically is the last log the system generated.
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  #300 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2011, 07:46 PM
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Gotten a few freezes myself these past two days (had to pull battery.. no reboot tho... Here's my log, hope its the right one..


Sent from my Sprint RHOD400 via Tapatalk
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