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Old 06-08-2010, 09:24 PM
Lost My Mind's Avatar
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I'm trying to watch podcast episodes.

*warning - new android user. Only have had the phone less then a week*

I'm trying to watch podcast episodes with my HTC Droid Incredible. I'm using an app called BeyondPod.

When you stream using BeyondPod it takes you to an external video player choice that says "complete action using" and the choices are "Meridian" or "Streaming Media Player".

"Meridian" is always a blank screen and never plays anything.

"Streaming Media Player" reminds me of the youtube player on their website.

Neither of those will work, since I need a player that will remember where you paused the video. I've heard "Act 1 Video Player" will remember videos where you left off, so I downloaded it.

One problem. Its not showing up in the "complete action using" screen.

How do I get BeyondPod and Act 1 Video Player to work with each other when I hit stream from the podcast menu?
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