An interesting issue you've run into.
I suggest that you re-flash the sprint update from the HTC web site. This will ensure that the entire package is re-installed. What I am wondering if perhaps the radio update didn't take or has somehow gotten corrupted. A long shot, but worth a try to re-flash.
If that doesn't resolve the issue, then you're looking at a hardware issue of some type.
Best regards,
Originally Posted by dalastone
I am hoping someone might know if this issue is diamond has the latest sprint/htc rom. my bluetooth seems to be crashing. now i cannot turn on bluetooth. if i go to settings, communications, turn on bt, it will not start (no icons in the taskbar). now when i soft reset, under the settings, the bluetooth is on, but still no icons. none of my headsets will work. if i try to "add new headset" it'll keep searching, then spit out the error, "error: there is a problem with the bluetooth hardware" ive trid hard reseting, no luck. i remeoved the battery then turned the phone on, and the icon was back, it connected fine and played a little music then stiopped, icons were still in the taskbar. i first noticed something was wrong because my battery wouldn't even last a day, appartenlty the bluetooth is still running just with no icons and will not connect at all. sorry for the long post, but i wondering if this indeed sounds like a hardwar issue or a rom issue?