Originally Posted by Sporkman
Fail ! massive !
i cant believe some people here are still digging up the dead horse to kick it again ! GOOD GOD LET THE HORSE RIP ! move on people move on
Exactly, massive fail.
Originally Posted by bullet2300
Look, his credibility can be argued until the end of time. No one disagrees that he was stupid for not crediting the proper people.
In the end, he has created an amazing ROM, and arguably the BEST 6.5 ROM to date. He is banned from the site (and rightly so I'd say), but his work is far from mediocre. This ROM is amazing
I don't know if he made it all himself, nor do I care. Whatever he used and whoever from, its a nice ROM.
Technically doesn't no2chem just use what others have already created, and then tweak it how he wants and then releases it....
sounds to me like what nfsfan did with no2chems thing.
I mean the list below was taken straight from his site,
and I've seen the below before no2chem released his versions.
and those are just the ones that I can remember off the top of my head.
So basically didn't he just do what nfsfan did, mod the program and then released it(in nfsfan's case, released it in a rom).
so before I keep going on with my argument,
and this gets REALLY ugly,
let's call it quits here.
Originally Posted by edufur
there is no need for me to share a masterpiece rom i craft for myself when you can just as easily craft your greatness with the Calkulin kitchen.
If you can do so much better, than do it, and release it.
If you don't, then you have no right to talk crap about someone's roms.
Originally Posted by dodge_longhorn
tisk tisk tisk bashing peoples roms, hey if it dont work for you try something else and dont bash peoples hard work, even if the chef is rude and wont look into your problems that your having just move on and try other roms that work just as good.
Sounds to me like you're just as guilty with the bashing from that statement. I love it though, It's very subtle.
Originally Posted by edufur
bashing is nothing new. and apparently NFS has been bashed / booted out of this site. he doesnt really deserve respect. he has stolen the work of others... yet for his mediocre work he is cosidered some sort of god??
You don't know anything about the situation.
Let it be.