Update. I found my problem and it WASN'T an rgu. I copied over an older a mxipcold_wpc_2.provxml to my OEM that does most of my customizations, totally forgot about it.
I cooked a clean ROM, no problem. My first suspicion was my personal settings oem, so I cooked another with it in and BAM....frickin gray. As soon as I looked in the folder to see what could be wrong, there it was,
mxipcold_wpc_2.provxml staring at me with soulful puppy dog eyes.
"Please, don't delete me! I've been good to you!" it said.
"No you haven't", I disdainfully replied.
What can I say, I'm a cold, heartless bastard.

And why it didn't cause any issues with 21815 is unknown to me
FYI, it had all "A"s for the values of the new keys.