Originally Posted by swampy395
Hi mate your welcome glad i could give a little back
If i want to find a reg entry I use search *.RGU on kitchen, then copy all the *.rgu's to a empty folder, run a dos prompt ren *.rgu *.txt then use search "a word or phrase in the file: on that folder say "color"  It could be in a sys *.rgu?? I build my rom's with color themes Black, Blue, Green, Red, so that may be y I never had gray prob 
Hmm, I think I should help a little.
Import these reg files to your computer registry and you can use windows search to search tags on rgu and/or reg files. Like you search text in txt files. FYI, reboot the system or explorer.exe is must.
Works fine on any windows. From Win95 to Win7
Enjoy and don't forget to click THANKS
Best Regards