Originally Posted by joojoobee666
Thanks, that color reg tricked worked fine for me on 21815 so I guess I just need to look and see if I can get a clean build to work and go from there. It must be something in my OEM's and you have given me confirmation.
There is a new version, but they have been removed from the SYS files I posted since they would cause a conflict in PPCKitchen. Also, I don't think there is really any change per se. It still looks the same...
Hi mate your welcome glad i could give a little back
If i want to find a reg entry I use search *.RGU on kitchen, then copy all the *.rgu's to a empty folder, run a dos prompt ren *.rgu *.txt then use search "a word or phrase in the file: on that folder say "color"

It could be in a sys *.rgu?? I build my rom's with color themes Black, Blue, Green, Red, so that may be y I never had gray prob