Originally Posted by NinjaPenguin
In all honesty it just seems like we are getting the Touch HD in the states now with the new OS and TF3D2. I would like the larger screen, i sometimes get jealous of my room mates iPhone but then quickly realize he hates it and our screen res is MUCH nicer.
Thanks for all the feedback guys, much apreciated. I know my contract isn't up for another year and a half so I may have to pay full price for the bigger screen. I just can't seem to wrap my head around the idea.
I don't think we'd be getting the HD since that would be considered a generation old now, but yeah the TP2 is a lot like it, but with a keyboard

And don't you just love our resolution, it blows people away when I show them the display on my TP and sure the iPhone can draw more colors, but we have more pixels

and yeah, full price for a screen is rediculous so i'm waiting for whatever comes after the TP2 since Tegra should be in full swing by then and in the meantime, maybe insurance (if you have it) will be kind enough to oblige you with a TP2, one can dream anyway