Originally Posted by rwcj63
after testing two other roms with no problems at all, then going back to this one only to have the same results (customizations just not finishing constantly, i have given up for now and switched back to Merdin's. I'm still looking forward to trying this again after all the kinks are worked out.
Sorry to hear about all of your troubles man! I read through your posts last night and was anticipating the worst on mine as well... and so far it's given me ZERO issues, other than being a little sluggish to boot.
By the way, the keyboard popping up and stuff that you were describing is normal, becasue TF3D2 is loading in the background, just waiting for you to press the "Desktop" button. Mine popped up 3-4 times on the first boot, but I just let it do it's thing for a while and everything was fine.
Hope RC2 works better for you!!
All Hail the Dark Lord.