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Old 11-15-2006, 11:51 PM
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Mal isn't here right now, but I will try and explain for you.

PUSH email is a godsend. When you do not have push, outlook needs to log on, authenticate, scan the server, check for changes in the server's data, compare that to changes on the phone, then download, sign off, and display the messages. Activesync keeps track of the changes you make, and so does the exchange server used for PUSH. The whole "send/recieve" takes about 5 seconds when there is new data. No changes? About ONE second. Plus, lets say you set outlook to check for mail every hour. Now lets say you do not get an email for 2 hours. Outlook would have checked twice, PUSH never checked. Try it for one day, and you will see the difference.

I will tell a story also. I upgraded from 700w to wx. While at the sprint store, the girl was setting up my account. My # didnt work yet, but for some reason I could go online. I set up the server and downloaded all of my contacts, email, calendar, and task info before she finished the contract! She asked me if I needed numbers transferred, and I told her "I did it already." She did not understand how, and I didn't bother explaining it. Less than a minute to write all the info.

Yes, it keeps your connection IDLE, which means almost nothing as far as battery consumption. The SERVER initiates the sync, which is why you need the connection to be ALIVE, not ACTIVE, which are often confused for one another. Hope that explains it! Like I said, seeing is believing.
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