Originally Posted by ZuneNinja!
I know this is an older post but I don't care. HALO IS NOT A REAL FPS. ANY FPS USING A CONTROL SUCKS!!! True FPS is played with a mouse and keyboard, end of story.
well i play my fps's with a mouse and joystick on a pc, and do really well, thank you! although i use a joystick, the crucial component is the mouse here.
i totally agree with requiring the mouse for precise aim. i've tried playin those shooters on friends consoles & was frustrated cuz i know i could do sooo much better on a pc.
that's why they never allow PC & console players 2 play against each other on the same game, consoles would get owned...
that actually brings up a question i was thinkin about. is there any way to hack mouse capabilities onto those consoles? if so you could REALLY clean up on multiplayer!