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Old 06-25-2009, 03:44 PM
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Re: Adrynalyne's 6.1 ROMs v. 1.7 Build 21051

Love the ROM Adrynalyn! My Omnia's running better now than it was out of the box!

Couple of questions though...

1) On the date format: Is there a way to change it from UK format (day/month/year) to US format (month/day/year)? It's showing up as UK format in all file explorers as well as in Mobile Shell.

2) Any way to do screen lock without the Samsung Dialer? I sort of like having the screen lock during a call, to keep me from accidentally starting a program. But, I like the look of the dialer in your ROM.

3) When I go into the Settings screen, I only get 2 vertical rows of icons instead of the standard 3. I assume this has something to do with the width of the scroll bar, but is it normal or is something messed up with mine? (I can post a screen shot if you need me to).
Don't have a phone backup program? GET ONE! Even if you don't mess with registry edits or custom ROMs, even a simple installation can really mess up your phone. Trust me!