Originally Posted by etski
I'm groovin on the 6/21 rom with no problems except none of the device lock programs seem to work properly so I've removed all of them that I've tried. I've moved to the ultralite/grooverom 6.5 dialer and liking it better than the HTC stock so far. I've found the HTChome2 version of the today screen http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=42150 works best for me, none of the rotate problems I've told you about. Just one thing, I would love just the plain black HTC or black sprint theme instead of your ultralite for readability sake. Do you happen do have one of those themes cabbed up? I tried some black themes I found out there, but they seemed to screw up my task bar and I'd rather have stock theme if possible to avoid any issues. At one point my battery usage was way up and I didn't know if it was because I was using the telus radio or if it could have possibly been related to the themes I downloaded, but right now I've gone back to basic grooverom plus htchome2 and everythings good, so if you have a basic theme, that would be much appreciated! Thanks for all your hard work!!! You really are the best!!! Reading the other threads, everybody has trouble with all the other roms, you definitely have the cleanest!!!!! If you ever make it to Utah, I'll gladly buy you some beers!!!!
Does anyone have the cab of the original HTC or Sprint Black theme?