Originally Posted by zero157h7
Ah, but will Sprint ever get it? Frustrating that Sprint and T Mobile were the only two carriers willing to be charter members of the open handset alliance and it looks as if AT&T and Verizon will have Android devices first. At least we can look forward to the winmo port and it getting chopped up for our devices (hopefully in a timely manner).
T-mobile has an android device, the first actually. The G1. This should be the android phone sprint has been promising. The MyTouch 3G (similar phone) is going to t-mobile some time in the very near future.
Android is an awesome mobile OS and it finally looks like the ball is rolling for it. The best thing about this device (and up to this point the only drawback to android) is its Exchange support. Meaning you can finally use android for corporate email without annoying 3rd party workarounds. If this does indeed hit sprint it will be my next phone, goodbye Diamond, goodbye windows mobile.