Originally Posted by swizard210
I tried searching withing the thread and I couldn't find it, but I feel like I have seen someone else post the same problem somewhere. Anyway, my problem is that today, for the first time when I was typing a "new" text message, in the "to:" location as I typed my contact's name a white drop down box appeared like back in the old days and the modern 6.1 black suggestion bar on the bottom appeared. It seems as if they are competing and it is freezing up my phone. So I wanted to know how to turn off the white box on the top of the screen and was also wondering why today was the first time it started occurring on my MightyROM when it wasn't happening before.
It's occuring because it sounds like you have the xt9 enable on EZ input and Mike has enabled the windows version of xt9 in this Rom.it can be turn off via registry edit on the front page at the bottom of the scroll box u got the EZ input keyboard from