Originally Posted by nxtech3
Journey, Using PAM the way we do, Sprint doesnt see that you are using it as PAM, thats why you can use more than 5GB and not get charged for it. If you had an aircard or signed up for the PAM plan (50 bucks extra) they would charge you for going over 5GB. Hence the reg edits for WinMo
I know that bro, but I actually HAVE unlimited PAM via the PAM1 SOC code on my account (Pre 5gig cap, and pre 50 to 15 dollar price reduction)
That's actually why I haven't been charged, I forgot about that, lol I read somewhere that "old" PAM doesn't have the cap, but I'm paranoid, and have just watched Sprints reaction to my usage. I actually use the phone as modem option on ROMs that have it.
So OP, listen to what he said, and make sure you get a ROM with the "DATA" reg edits. Thanks nxtech!