4 Minisd problem
I don't know what the deal was but when I installed the 4 gig minisd, my 6700 would not find it. Nor would my laptop recognize it. I then called the stamped company name on the card (kingston) well they told me that they do not carry such a card. I called buy.com and told them about the card and how it is not reconized by kingston. They said that they would send me another one as soon as I sent mine back. I then told them you guys are going to send me another 4 gig minisd that is not recongnized by the supposed maker. they immediately said we will refund you your money sorry for the problem. I don't know if this card is a fake but I know I still have it at my house and it is not recognized on any PC I hook it up to. If I am doing something wrong let me know.