Originally Posted by D/\SH
why is this lame and my boy probex is the one that got this started when naughty contacted me through my youtube videos....... i think this is a descent idea to get the word out and you cant hate on vin and the guys for liking wm and not the iphone.... come on now guys,.
Not hating the theme. But really, the average customer will not be able to do that easily. And the 'urban demographic' they are blatantly targeting probably are going to want to change that theme to something really lame < insert radio rapper name here>
Originally Posted by Young_breedent
You HATER HATER HATER HATER only thing lame about this thread is you. You should be happy microsoft is reaching out and promoting. Hip hop is a major source for advertising right now buddy you must not be watching these commercials now a days LAME
Maybe I am a "HATER" Hip hop is a major source for advertising, but Hiphop fans of today don't give a damn about naughty. Lets make this clear I'm a fan of them and hiphop in general. This just looks like a cheesey attempt.
Sorry people Its a wonderfull idea what was I thinking...