Re: Post your Omnia Today screens here (or any other cool screen you have)
I installed last night, and I like it, but had two minor issues with the theme. For one, I thought the favorite contact Panel was compatible? I have it installed + setup, but instead of an icon when it isn't the panel showing, I get the name of the panel in large letters (shows through the panel I am looking at as well), and when I do chose the panel I get what looks like the orig configuration, when I first set it up I had a large image of the contact at first and then it flipped back.
The second issue was that I definetly need a milti Panel LOL....I loved setting my weather right above the clock panel and having the time showing with at least the current temp showing right above it! Isn't Twolf's panel compatible? Or is there a better one you guys that use this theme recomend?
(I'll try to post ppics later)