Question: How to change Htc Diamond Dialer Background?
So today I flashed to the ATR3 Rom to see if the battery claims are true.
One problem I'm having is that the dialer background has the same background as the stock home screen (Black with grey tiles) when it should be a white background (as seen with any other stock dialers).
Since the font is black, I can't see the names except for the one being highlighted and when receiving calls, I can't see the names since the font is black and the background is also black.
Is there any way to change it back into the stock white background? Many a file in the windows directory? Reg edit?
Thanks in advance.
PS. Also, is there any way of actually changing the font color of all the names to white?
Last edited by Holyman007; 06-24-2009 at 01:44 AM.