Originally Posted by lennie
mine.....I'm going to try it on the donor also and see if my xip is the one giving the problem.
EDIT: yep.....it's my xip thats giving the problem.....I thought I followed everything right. now I have no idea where I'm messing up when extracting my xip from the ROM.
question, when I use imgfsfromnb and it shows the start, end and offset which of these values should I use in RomMaster? I used the offset value (which happens to be the same as the start value)....should I be using the end value instead of the offset? I followed this Tutorial http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=453722
I would try and use Ervius XipporterEX to extract the xip.bin from the payload. Something is clearly wrong with the xip you extracted.