I really like the
Analog Clock chome plugin by rpereira.
Here are a few skins that I made just goofing around. I used the default skin and also the cool black one made by bx718bklyn at XDA as templates. All credit goes to those guys.
Despite what the title of this thread says, I believe that these skins can be used with QVGA, WVGA, and WQVGA as well as VGA. If anyone can verify this, please let me know.
BE SURE TO INSTALL "CAnalog Clock chome plugin by rpereira" on your device first (It's at the XDA link).
After installing the CHomeAnalogClock cab, you will still need to set it up before it will display on your Today screen. Go to "Start" and you will find a "Utility" folder. Go in there and open the "Options" program and set up your clock panel the way you want it. Cliick on save and your new panel will show up.
BTW, if you have a good looking skin for this clock (analog OR digital) feel free to post it here. The more the merrier!