Arcsoft + Sprint picture mail combo possible?
This seems to be a very specific question, so I didn't find it during my searches. Essentially what I'm wondering is there either
A. A way to use Arcsoft, but have the mms messages I receive show up in my email tf3d tab like the standard sprint picture mail. I really like how it separates it from my other texts, but arcsoft seems to lump sms and mms together. I think it even threaded them, which is awful to me.
B. Use some combination of both programs to achieve the result I'm looking for. If I have them both on there and it shows up in both places, I don't think that would bother me.
I like the way arcsoft integrates, and it seems to be MUCH faster at receiving picture mails than the sprint app, but I can't live with the messages being grouped. Any help is greatly appreciated.