Originally Posted by bertrenolds
I found the chome editor and it worked nicely, not exactly sure how to create a panel and make it work and look right but it is possible, whish I had some directions. It's easy to install, run activesync and explore and drop the chom editor onto the phone and then use a file explorer to go to it and open it. Putting chome editor in your 6.5rom wouldn't be such a bad idea, it makes sense to me that it would be in there.
Can you tell me where programs like dotfred task manager are located if I cooked it in a rom?
Chome editor is easy and very handy as I have now found out! Now I am wondering if anyone know if their is a 6.5 panel .cab file or something that allows you to put your top friends in it and call them easily?
Also as a side note to answer my own question, a program file that is cooked into a rom is located in the windows folder as either a .exe or .ink.