Originally Posted by savior02
no windows live, windows messenger, mp3 trimmer, no galarm..and please update the weather panel! than ill be good to go!
sorry i dont think im going to make a light one, the rom i have is already pretty light, maybe if i get more requests but im on vacation right now so maybe in the future, i have it updated, im just waiting for a good internet connection to upload the all new rom!
Originally Posted by tbone2000
Not sure if I'm the only one and if I am then I'll shut up, but my calendar reminders only offer snooze or dismiss. I am always choosing different snooze times in Outlook which I don't have here. What happens is that I keep snoozing and then it seems every 2 minutes or so it beeps again, multiple times. I found a cab that solves my issue by bringing the calendar reminders back to the old bubble style and allows for selectable snooze times. (file attached)
thanks for that fix! ill definately include it in the the next release, never even knew about this problem