This is some great work from the guys over at xda-developers.
I take no credit, other than linking them here.
Themes & Developments -
Themes and Developments thread, created by greatbal.
PureBlack 2 -
OS Theme
Hexagon Start Menu and 4 ROW hexagon menu -
For QVGA Only.
Start Menu Expanded -
For VGA Only.
hComber -
Is a program to change Icons of start menu.
Customising Taskbar -
Customising Taskbar of WinMo 6.5
Neon Glass Icons -
Icons for WinMo 6.5
Start Menu v2 -
Info and guides -
A Guide to Windows Mobile 6.5 -
Tips and tweaks for the newest era of Windows Mobile, version 6.5.
Walk-through -
How to create Titanium skins -
Titanium CPR helper -
Did a small online tool in flash to help skinners and developers code the CPR's more easily.
- For Titanium -
Themes/Skins -
All -
All themes and skins links, created by twolf and MysticGenius.
Colors for Titanium -
Black Dragon -
MezzoForte -
WM 7 Titanium Project -
Bliss -
TIphone -
Crape Fetale -
Antique -
Red Velvet -
Violet Velvet -
NeoTitanium -
BWNeo -
Ugly -
Cold Steel -
MobileMatt Titanium Nights -
Plugins -
All -
All plugins links, created by thedaniel
Plug-in Installer :
This program allows chome/titanium plug-in developers to create a cab file that will insert the plug-in's markup into the cpr files depending on the device's resolution and update the registry without overriding any of the user's existing chome/titanium configuration files or settings.
Titanium System Panel -
CTwitter -
Is a Titanium plugin which allows you to get to open your TweetDeck for Mobile devices using PockeTwit. You can also Update your status using this program.
COffice -
Is a Titanium plugin which allows you to get to your Microsoft Office tools quickly and easily.
ArteseaTwitter -
CVolume -
Little plugin which give the opportunity to change the level of the sound easy and sound profiles. Only for QVGA.
CFacebook -
Is a Titanium plugin which allows you to continue your Facebook Addiction using Facebook Mobile and Facebook Instant Messenger.
CAnalogClock -
This is a replacement for the default Titanium CClock, with many features including fully skinnable analog and digital clocks.
CommManager -
Titanium Weather -
CLauncher -
Titanium Application launcher. Easy to add and remove application
AudioManager Panel -
Titanium Notifications -
Taskanium -
Is a simple titanium (WM 6.5) plugin which displays the list of active tasks within the titanium
JMLStocks Panel -
TitaniumRIGHT -
Right align your titanium and optimize different plugins for your QVGA device the same time.
CS2P -
Another Titanium Plugin, for S2P
Multiplugin -
Apps -
Titanizer 5 -
Is a Chome or the Titanium editor.
CHome Editor -
Another Chome or the Titanium editor.